The 23 Winning Investment Habits of
the World’s Masters Investors
Warren Buffet and George Soros!
Winning Habit Number 1:
• Believes his priority is always preservation of capital.
Winning Habit Number 2:
• Risk Averse.
Winning Habit Number 3:
• Has developed his own investment philosophy (personality,
ability, knowledge, tastes and objectives).
Winning Habit Number 4:
• Has developed and tested his own personal system for
selecting buying and selling shares.
Winning Habit Number 5:
• Believes diversification is for the birds.
Winning Habit Number 6:
• Hates to pay taxes and other transaction costs and arranges
his affairs to legally minimize tax.
Winning Habit Number 7:
• He only invests in what he understands.
Winning Habit Number 8:
• Refuses to make investments that do not meet his criteria.
Can effortlessly say “NO” to everything else.
Winning Habit Number 9:
• Is continually searching for new investment opportunities
that meet his criteria and actively engages in his own
research. Likely to listen only to other investors or analysts
who he has profound reasons to respect.
Winning Habit Number 10:
• When he can’t find an investment that meets his criteria, he
has the patience to wait indefinitely until he finds one that
Winning Habit Number 11:
• Acts instantly when he has made a decision.
Winning Habit Number 12:
• Hold a winning investment until a pre-determined reason to
exit arrives.
Winning Habit Number 13:
• Follows his own system RELIGIOUSLY.
Winning Habit Number 14:
• Aware of his own fallibility. Corrects mistakes the moment
they become evident. As a result suffers more than small
Winning Habit Number 15:
• Always treats mistakes as LEARNING EXPERIENCE.
Winning Habit Number 16:
• As his experience increases, so do his returns. He now
seems to spend less time to make more money. Has “paid
his dues”.
Winning Habit Number 17:
• Almost never talks to anyone about what he’s doing. Not
interested or concerned with what others think about his
investment decisions.
Winning Habit Number 18:
• Has successfully delegated most if not all of his
responsibilities to others.
Winning Habit Number 19:
• Lives far below his means.
Winning Habit Number 20:
• Does what he does for stimulation and self-fulfillment and
not for money.
Winning Habit Number 21:
• Is emotionally involved with the process of investing and can
walk away from any individual investment.
Winning Habit Number 22:
• Lives and breathes investing 24 hours a day.
Winning Habit Number 23:
• Puts his money where his mouth is.
The 23 Winning Investment Habits
- dome@perth
- สมาชิกสมาคมนักลงทุนเน้นคุณค่า
- โพสต์: 4740
- ผู้ติดตาม: 0
The 23 Winning Investment Habits
โพสต์ที่ 2
หนังสือเล่มนี้ อ่านแล้วชอบมากครับ
"ไม่มีสุตรสำเร็จ ไม่มีทางลัด ไม่ใช่แค่โชค
หนทางจะได้มาซึ่ง อิสระภาพทางการเงิน
มันมาจาก ความขยัน การไขว่คว้า หาความรู้
หนทางจะได้มาซึ่ง อิสระภาพทางการเงิน
มันมาจาก ความขยัน การไขว่คว้า หาความรู้