What is the best way to read 56-1?

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โพสต์ โพสต์
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What is the best way to read 56-1?

โพสต์ที่ 1


What is the best way to read 56-1 ?
1.Read from the monitor.
2.Print and read.
Thank you.
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Re: What is the best way to read 56-1?

โพสต์ที่ 2


Best for whom? Best for you? Then, you have to decide for yourself. If you like reading things on paper, print em. If you like to have ability to jump around or search for particular topics, read them on screen.

But if you're talking about "best for the world", then read them on computer would waste less resources like paper, ink and so on.

My advice to you is that the best way to read 56-1 is to actually read it now. Stop wasting time pondering hesitating about which way is better.
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Re: What is the best way to read 56-1?

โพสต์ที่ 3


Just for my opinion ,reads it on Kindle.
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Re: What is the best way to read 56-1?

โพสต์ที่ 4


simplelife เขียน:Best for whom? Best for you? Then, you have to decide for yourself. If you like reading things on paper, print em. If you like to have ability to jump around or search for particular topics, read them on screen.

But if you're talking about "best for the world", then read them on computer would waste less resources like paper, ink and so on.

My advice to you is that the best way to read 56-1 is to actually read it now. Stop wasting time pondering hesitating about which way is better.
Love your comment, Mr.simplelife. Here's +1 from me.

Do we really have to post in English anyway??? :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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Re: What is the best way to read 56-1?

โพสต์ที่ 5


ถึงจะไม่ดีเหมือนปริ้นมาอ่าน แต่ก็ดีกว่าอ่านผ่านจอคอม