Buffett's Holdings Outperforming in Q4

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Buffett's Holdings Outperforming in Q4

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Buffett's Holdings Outperforming in Q4
November 17, 2009

With the release of Berkshire Hathaway's holdings as of the end of the third quarter yesterday, we can take a look at how these holdings have been doing so far this quarter. As shown at the bottom of the table, Buffett's Berkshire holdings are currently up 8.61% since the start of October, while the S&P 500 is up 4.41%.

Buffett's top holding with a value of more than $11 billion, Coca-Cola (KO), is even outperforming the S&P 500 so far this quarter (5.66% to 4.41%). Unsurprisingly, Buffett's position in Burlington Northern (BNI) has done the best so far this quarter with a gain of 22.87%. Buying one of your biggest positions at a nice premium is one way to boost returns!

Other big winners for Buffett this quarter have been AXP (+20.59%), COP (+18.7%), MCO (15.91%), IR (19.99%), NLC (18.2%), NSC (19.28%), and UNH (15.06%). Ten of his 41 holdings are down so far this quarter, with USG down the most at -15.13%.

to see Holding as of End of Q3
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