After the greedy s gone,the fear will come.(edited)

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โพสต์ โพสต์
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โพสต์: 852
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After the greedy s gone,the fear will come.(edited)

โพสต์ที่ 1


After the greedy s gone,the fear will come.
We ve heard the analysts say," today SET break 1,2,3,4,5,6,,,,,10 years high",like the other bull cycle,investors will always ignore the bad news in the moment,but when SET has a correction,people will have their attention in the news.These  will b the bad news after we reach the short perm peak(SET = 825+-).
1.The election will b postponed to Jan.08 is likely.
After consulting with legal experts, the CNS Chairman said the election may be  delayed  to early 2008 as the constitution process and related laws may take longer than expected.
2.ECONOMICS: Jetro survey: Thailand less attractive

􀂄 Thailand's attractiveness as a foreign investment destination has declined
among Japanese investors, according to the latest survey by the Japan
External Trade Organisation (Jetro).
􀂄 The survey cites Thailand's social and political instability, a growing shortage
of skilled workers, weak management, the rising cost of raw materials and
the strong baht as negative factors among Japanese investors.
􀂄 Jetro survey said that the negative factors could result in more funds
increasingly going to other countries such as Vietnam.
3.Banking: Higher NPLs in 2Q07 as expected
􀂄 NPLs across the banking system are likely to rise in 2Q07 because of
slowing economic growth, said Apisak Tantivorawong, the president of KTB.
The BoT said that NPLs at local banks stood at Bt234.79bn at the end of
March, or 4.58% of total loans. This represents a slight increase from
Bt228.2bn. Mr Apisak said that while the economy had shown signs of
recovery and was expected to pass its weakest point in the third quarter,
private consumption remained a concern. ''The Thai economy has been
slowing since the beginning of the year. While liquidity in the money market
remains ample, cash flow for businesses has been tight, and we're seeing
trade creditor defaults picking up, leading to NPLs,'' he said. Mr Apisak said
asset quality in the banking sector had not improved in the second quarter
from the first, and that for Krung Thai Bank, non-performing loans had
increased, both in terms of new accounts and previously restructured loans.
''We've already dedicated more staff to overseeing distressed loan assets
and directed credit officers to pay closer attention to their clients who could
be in financial trouble,'' he said. SCB and KBANK also signaled higher NPLs
in 2Q07, which were also the same as BBL's asset quality trend. BBL
indicated that higher NPLs in 2Q07 were from relapses and some new NPLs.
BBL is trying to restructure those cases including three cases from
sugarcane factories.
4.JBIC is likely not 2 lend the money 4 Thailands mega projects.Thailands financial liquidity will decrease dramatically 4 supporting the projects,then,no need 2 wait 4 BOT 2 decrease the RP rate,but the uptrend of interest rate will come very early.
ANYWAY,everytimes,when SET has a correction,the big will down,but some small will up,if u have a good selection,u still can get the money from the market.
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3.กระทู้ที่โพสท์นี้เป็นความเห็นส่วนตัว การซื้อขายหุ้นขึ้นอยู่กับการใช้วิจารณญาณของแต่ละคน
Mon money
โพสต์: 3134
ผู้ติดตาม: 0

After the greedy s gone,the fear will come.(edited)

โพสต์ที่ 2


น่าสนใจครับคุณ David แต่แหล่งที่มา มาจากไหนครับ
เป็นบุญหนักหนาเหลือเกินที่ได้เกิดมาเป็นคนไทย เป็นคนไทยของพระบาทสมเด็จพระเจ้าอยู่หัวภูมิพลอดุลยเดชฯ
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โพสต์: 1771
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After the greedy s gone,the fear will come.(edited)

โพสต์ที่ 3


ผมก็คิดคล้ายๆ อย่างงั้นนะครับ ตอนนี้เป็นเรื่องของความเชื่อมั่น :lol:
Verified User
โพสต์: 852
ผู้ติดตาม: 0

After the greedy s gone,the fear will come.(edited)

โพสต์ที่ 4


Mon money เขียน:น่าสนใจครับคุณ David แต่แหล่งที่มา มาจากไหนครับ
2 n 3 from Phatra's paper,the rest from my little brain. :)
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3.กระทู้ที่โพสท์นี้เป็นความเห็นส่วนตัว การซื้อขายหุ้นขึ้นอยู่กับการใช้วิจารณญาณของแต่ละคน