I'd like to ask for a lists that might consider as the value stocks. Please anyone could recomment me.
Thank you

Dear Khun Titiwach,titiwach เขียน:Dear all,
I'd like to ask for a lists that might consider as the value stocks. Please anyone could recomment me.
Thank you
ขอแก้คำผิดหน่อยครับ คำว่า go พิมพ์เกินมาครับRaphin Phraiwal เขียน:the members here are more than willing to go give you guidance.
This advice is really brilliant.Dear Khun Titiwach,
You will find many interesting stocks in the ร้อยคนร้อยหุ้น section of this webboard. The informations contributed by the members are great. It will help you in picking the stocks. However, please read very carefully. Some stocks have already reached or surpassed its value, while others are still a bargain due to their (the companies') expected growth.
It might be easier to give you a list, you might think, but by reading yourself, you will understand the basic ideology of looking at the stocks, and how to spot a good or great company when you see them.
Good luck with your journey of selecting stocks. If you have any questions, the members here are more than willing to give you guidance.
P.S. The money is yours to decide, the risk is yours to take.
Just for my curiosity, would it be possible for you to define the word "VI Stocks" for me?titiwach เขียน:Now, I get some of the stocks that I will dig more info. If I'm not wrong, these names should be VI stocks.
Thanks for all of your recommendation. But!!! If anyone have any additional stock names for me to study, please let me know.
I'm curious too. How did you find all these stocks?titiwach เขียน:Now, I get some of the stocks that I will dig more info. If I'm not wrong, these names should be VI stocks.
Thanks for all of your recommendation. But!!! If anyone have any additional stock names for me to study, please let me know.
Do not curious K.Yoyo!!! I got those names from K. Feng Hong and K.Yoyo. And I'd visited your blog as well. It's very useful. I'd planned to sit on the AIT's opportunity day. It'll be great, if I could know you and the other VI friends.yoyo เขียน: I'm curious too. How did you find all these stocks?
I'm asking because they just happended to be exactly same as my portfolio.
Actually, I got a lot of painful investment experience from daytrade and technical style. Thus, I'd changed my mind set. By the way, I'm appreciated for your concern. Thanks.tanate@man เขียน:อ่านที่ signature ผมด้วยครับ
8) For TRCtitiwach เขียน: Actually, I got a lot of painful investment experience from daytrade and technical style. Thus, I'd changed my mind set. By the way, I'm appreciated for your concern. Thanks.
8) Thank you very much .titiwach เขียน:
I bought TRC last week. I got this stock name from K.Feng Hong. He'd mentioned about 3 stocks, which had TRC, ILINK, SEAFCO. So, I searched more info on those stocks. I found that TRC had a very bright future in its field. Due to Thailand had to expand and invent in Gas Pipe a lot as we could saw any example from the developed countries.