NTL : Ngern Tid Lor Public Company Limited
โพสต์แล้ว: ศุกร์ ธ.ค. 25, 2020 11:05 pm
Type of Business
Non-bank that provides personal loan licensed by the Bank of Thailand, focusing on vehicle title loan, hire purchase financing services for used of second-hand trucks and other types of loan include life and non-life insurance brokerage services under brand “Ngern Tid Lor”
Secondary Market The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET)
Industry Group / Sector Financials / Finance and Securities
Status Filing
No. of IPO
No more than 907,428,600 shares (39.1% of total issued shares after IPO) divided into
(1) Newly issued shares no more than 210,816,700 shares and
(2) Existing shares offered by existing shareholders no more than 696,611,900 shares
Over-allotment shares no more than 136,114,200 shares (if any)
IPO Period
IPO Price:
Par Value 3.70 Baht
First Day of Trading
Financial Advisor
Kiatnakin Phatra Securities Public Company Limited
Filing (Thai only)
Non-bank that provides personal loan licensed by the Bank of Thailand, focusing on vehicle title loan, hire purchase financing services for used of second-hand trucks and other types of loan include life and non-life insurance brokerage services under brand “Ngern Tid Lor”
Secondary Market The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET)
Industry Group / Sector Financials / Finance and Securities
Status Filing
No. of IPO
No more than 907,428,600 shares (39.1% of total issued shares after IPO) divided into
(1) Newly issued shares no more than 210,816,700 shares and
(2) Existing shares offered by existing shareholders no more than 696,611,900 shares
Over-allotment shares no more than 136,114,200 shares (if any)
IPO Period
IPO Price:
Par Value 3.70 Baht
First Day of Trading
Financial Advisor
Kiatnakin Phatra Securities Public Company Limited
Filing (Thai only)