S&P:Thailand 's rating or outlook r susceptible to downw
โพสต์แล้ว: อังคาร ม.ค. 29, 2008 2:21 pm
S&P noted that the deteriorating global situation leaves limited scope for
country rating upgrades in the Asian region. However, for some countries,
including Pakistan, Taiwan, Thailand and Sri Lanka, the ratings or outlook
are susceptible to downward revisions, given existing weaknesses. Yet, in
many cases the greatest risk stems perhaps not from the recession itself, but
from possible policy missteps by governments when faced with the fallout of
a US, or possibly global, slowdown.
country rating upgrades in the Asian region. However, for some countries,
including Pakistan, Taiwan, Thailand and Sri Lanka, the ratings or outlook
are susceptible to downward revisions, given existing weaknesses. Yet, in
many cases the greatest risk stems perhaps not from the recession itself, but
from possible policy missteps by governments when faced with the fallout of
a US, or possibly global, slowdown.