PVC demand in the US is expected to see an upswing
โพสต์แล้ว: อังคาร ก.ย. 27, 2005 6:19 pm
Tokyo (Platts)--22Sep2005
PVC demand in the US is expected to see an upswing for housing and piping
purposes after hurricane Katrina hit the region last month, said Masaki
Miyajima, vice president of the Japan Vinyl Environmental Council(VEC)--an
advocacy group for PVC and VCM makers.
"I am expecting the impact [from the hurricane] will become visible
gradually," Miyajima said at a regular press conference.
This story was originally published in full in Platts Petrochemical Alert
(PCA), http://www.petrochemicalalert.platts.com
TPC VNT น่าจะดูดีขึ้นนะครับ ว่างั้นมั้ย
PVC demand in the US is expected to see an upswing for housing and piping
purposes after hurricane Katrina hit the region last month, said Masaki
Miyajima, vice president of the Japan Vinyl Environmental Council(VEC)--an
advocacy group for PVC and VCM makers.
"I am expecting the impact [from the hurricane] will become visible
gradually," Miyajima said at a regular press conference.
This story was originally published in full in Platts Petrochemical Alert
(PCA), http://www.petrochemicalalert.platts.com
TPC VNT น่าจะดูดีขึ้นนะครับ ว่างั้นมั้ย