ถ้าผมคิดซื้อtheco ทิ้งไว้ ปีหน้า
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ถ้าผมคิดซื้อtheco ทิ้งไว้ ปีหน้า
โพสต์ที่ 3
IQNewsCenter.com เขียน:ไทยฮีทฯและบริษัทย่อย ไตรมาส 2/48 มีกำไรสุทธิ 51.56 ล้านบาท กำไรสุทธิต่อหุ้น 0.95 บาท
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ถ้าผมคิดซื้อtheco ทิ้งไว้ ปีหน้า
โพสต์ที่ 5
กำไรสุทธิก่อนรายการพิเศษ 1,767,436.15
กำไรจากการปรับโครงสร้างหนี้ 11 49,794,758.94
กำไรสุทธิ 51,562,195.09
กำไรจากการปรับโครงสร้างหนี้ 11 49,794,758.94
กำไรสุทธิ 51,562,195.09
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- โพสต์: 3763
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ถ้าผมคิดซื้อtheco ทิ้งไว้ ปีหน้า
โพสต์ที่ 6
11/08/2005 13:41
THECO : Informing of the causes of change in operation Q2/05
Ref 86/2005
August 11, 2005
Subject : Informing of the causes of change in operation for the
2nd quarter 2005
Attention To : The Managing Director
The Stock Exchange of Thailand
As we Thai Heat Exchange Public Company Limited (THECO) has submitted
the financial statements for the 2nd quarter 2005 ended at 30 June 2005
comparing to the same period of last year, our net has more than 20% changed.
We would like to explain as follows :
1.In 2nd quarter 2005 , the company had profit from debt restructuring
amount of Baht 49.79 million.
2.The company recorded return on bad debt as income amount of Baht 5.9
million in this quarter.
3.Rental income decreased Baht 3.0 million regarding Sanden Theco co.,Ltd,
the renter had been moved out since March 31,2005
For your information and please convey to the investors.
Thai Heat Revival Company Limited
As the reorganization planner of Thai Heat Exchange PCL.
Mr. Surin Wanpensakul
Authorized Director
THECO : Informing of the causes of change in operation Q2/05
Ref 86/2005
August 11, 2005
Subject : Informing of the causes of change in operation for the
2nd quarter 2005
Attention To : The Managing Director
The Stock Exchange of Thailand
As we Thai Heat Exchange Public Company Limited (THECO) has submitted
the financial statements for the 2nd quarter 2005 ended at 30 June 2005
comparing to the same period of last year, our net has more than 20% changed.
We would like to explain as follows :
1.In 2nd quarter 2005 , the company had profit from debt restructuring
amount of Baht 49.79 million.
2.The company recorded return on bad debt as income amount of Baht 5.9
million in this quarter.
3.Rental income decreased Baht 3.0 million regarding Sanden Theco co.,Ltd,
the renter had been moved out since March 31,2005
For your information and please convey to the investors.
Thai Heat Revival Company Limited
As the reorganization planner of Thai Heat Exchange PCL.
Mr. Surin Wanpensakul
Authorized Director
Impossible is Nothing