Nickel หลักๆใช้ทำอะไรมั่งครับ?
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Nickel หลักๆใช้ทำอะไรมั่งครับ?
โพสต์ที่ 1
ไม่ทราบ Nickel นี่หลักๆใช้ทำอะไรมั่งครับ?
รู้สึกเมื่อก่อนจะมีใช้ทำแบท Ni-Mh
แต่สมัยนี้เห็นเปลี่ยนเป็น Li-Ion หมดแล้ว
มีใครทราบไหมครับว่าในโลกธุรกิจยังมีการใช้ Nickel มากขนาดไหนนอกจากใช้ทำเหรียญแล้ว?
รู้สึกเมื่อก่อนจะมีใช้ทำแบท Ni-Mh
แต่สมัยนี้เห็นเปลี่ยนเป็น Li-Ion หมดแล้ว
มีใครทราบไหมครับว่าในโลกธุรกิจยังมีการใช้ Nickel มากขนาดไหนนอกจากใช้ทำเหรียญแล้ว?
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Nickel หลักๆใช้ทำอะไรมั่งครับ?
โพสต์ที่ 2
For Jim Rogers, What Goes Around Comes Around
By Renée Schultes, Financial News Online | 23 May 2007
By Renée Schultes, Financial News Online | 23 May 2007
He owns shares in Japan because it has a current account surplus with China. But he believes the best way to play China is through commodities, because it is dependent on them. He points to nickel, which has risen by almost 300% since the beginning of last year. It is used in many industrial and consumer products, including stainless steel, magnets, coins and special alloys, and which China must import from countries such as Russia and Canada.
"Right now people in Asia are speculating on nickel by buying stainless steel, a lot of which is being stockpiled because as the nickel price rises, the price of stainless steel rises. Thats madness and not a good sign for any market," he claimed. Metals are less interesting to him, although he stresses that he would never be short on a commodity in a bull market. He is more intrigued by what is happening in soft commodities, such as sugar, cotton and coffee.
เล่นหุ้นคนแก่ แต่แอบเปรี้ยวเป็นบางเวลา
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- โพสต์: 1088
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Nickel หลักๆใช้ทำอะไรมั่งครับ?
โพสต์ที่ 3 ... tml#5years
ราคาถูกเกือบสุดใน 5 ปี ในขณะที่ commodities อื่นๆราคาพุ่งไปหมดแล้ว
stock level ก็ค่อนข้างสูงแต่ในขณะเดียวกัน stock level ของ commo อื่นๆก็สูง
ราคาถูกเกือบสุดใน 5 ปี ในขณะที่ commodities อื่นๆราคาพุ่งไปหมดแล้ว
stock level ก็ค่อนข้างสูงแต่ในขณะเดียวกัน stock level ของ commo อื่นๆก็สูง
เล่นหุ้นคนแก่ แต่แอบเปรี้ยวเป็นบางเวลา
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- โพสต์: 1088
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Nickel หลักๆใช้ทำอะไรมั่งครับ?
โพสต์ที่ 4
Analysts optimistic about nickels future
Wed, Aug 27, 2008
Nickel Articles
By Leia Michele Toovey-Exclusive to Nickel Investing News
In most of 2008, nickel prices have taken a battering, as a weakening US currency, steeply rising prices of oil and gold, and shrinking stainless steel demand have extended losses.
LME nickel prices started their rapid descent in July 2008. From beginning to mid August, prices rested in the range of US$20,500 to US$20,900 per tonne. LME nickel prices for three-month futures fell to a level below US$20,500 per tonne on the 23rd, and after hiting that milestone the price plummeted even further, touching below US$19,000 per tonne at the 24th.
LME nickel stocks at the beginning of July 2008 came to 46,860 tonnes and, after that, continued a general decrease, punctuated only by sporadic increases. LME nickel stocks as of July 31st, 2008, dropped to 44,526 tonnes, and at the present moment, LME nickel stocks are at a high.
Despite the price crashes across commodities, investors remain optimistic. Although nickel is expected to face more downward pressure, the underlying value is seen as robust. Ian Henderson, who manages around US$5 billion at JP Morgans Global Natural Resources Fund, said he was still in favour of long-term commodity investments.I strongly believe this is a multi-year cycle but you have to be a lot more selective and (be able to) distinguish between commodities, Henderson told Reuters in an interview..Some people have been hit very badly financially so there has been forced liquidation, Henderson said, adding that this could continue to have an adverse impact on London Metal Exchange traded metals.
If people were to go and buy a basket of these completely bombed-out companies, although they might not have picked the bottom, the upside potential is tremendous, Henderson said.
Iron ore, oil and gas, platinum and gold would also see prices rising on strong demand from emerging markets. Analysts are optimisitic about future demand in the biggest of the emerging markets, China. Continued growth in the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) will extend support to commodities. On Wednesday, Gold Investing News posted a commentary Consumer Confidence Strengthening detailing the enhanced sentiment in that metals future.
In London, this Wednesday, nickel prices continued to fall on the LME due to lack of industrial demand. On Indias MCX, however, nickel August contract increased by 1.48 per cent at Rs 890.80 a kg against its previous closing at Rs 877.80. Nickel September contract opened at Rs 890 a kg against its previous closing at Rs 891.80. Nickel October contract moved upward 1.83 per cent, at Rs 915 a kg.
It has been a busy week at First Nickel (TSX: FNI). On Tuesday, they announced filing their unaudited financial statements for the three and six month periods ending June 30th, 2008. Highlights of their statements included a second quarter net loss of US$992,176 compared to net earnings of US$723,904 in the second quarter of 2007, an increase in production during the second quarter of 2008 with 969,865 pounds of payable nickel, as compared to 878,866 pounds produced in the second quarter of 2007.
Moving forward, First Nickel is looking to an aggressive expansion program. This week they announced plans to raise US$4.5 million to finance exploration programs in Ontario. US$15 million of funds will be raised by selling common shares at 30 cents each. This flow-through financing will be used to expand our aggressive exploration programs in Sudbury and southeastern Ontario while allowing First Nickel to invest our cash from operations on reducing costs, improving efficiencies and adding to resources at the Lockerby Mine, said William Anderson, President and CEO of First Nickel.
First Nickel also reported on developments at their Ragan Hills Project. The project is a joint venture with Pacific Northwest Capital Corp. (CA: PFN). Both companies were pleased to announce the commencement of surface mapping and sampling programs at the project. The mapping program is designed to verify the geophysical electromagnetic anomalies identified by an earlier Aeroquest AEM survey. The Raglan Hills Project consists of 21 claim blocks totaling 2,752 hectares situated northeast of Bancroft, Ontario. Minimal exploration has occurred since the late 1980s, and the property has potential to host economic nickel-copper sulphide mineralization. Capital and First Nickel are participating in a 50-50 per cent Joint Venture whereby both Companies agree to bear all expenditures and participate in a single purpose joint venture for the purpose of carrying out mineral exploration on the project. ... uture.html
Wed, Aug 27, 2008
Nickel Articles
By Leia Michele Toovey-Exclusive to Nickel Investing News
In most of 2008, nickel prices have taken a battering, as a weakening US currency, steeply rising prices of oil and gold, and shrinking stainless steel demand have extended losses.
LME nickel prices started their rapid descent in July 2008. From beginning to mid August, prices rested in the range of US$20,500 to US$20,900 per tonne. LME nickel prices for three-month futures fell to a level below US$20,500 per tonne on the 23rd, and after hiting that milestone the price plummeted even further, touching below US$19,000 per tonne at the 24th.
LME nickel stocks at the beginning of July 2008 came to 46,860 tonnes and, after that, continued a general decrease, punctuated only by sporadic increases. LME nickel stocks as of July 31st, 2008, dropped to 44,526 tonnes, and at the present moment, LME nickel stocks are at a high.
Despite the price crashes across commodities, investors remain optimistic. Although nickel is expected to face more downward pressure, the underlying value is seen as robust. Ian Henderson, who manages around US$5 billion at JP Morgans Global Natural Resources Fund, said he was still in favour of long-term commodity investments.I strongly believe this is a multi-year cycle but you have to be a lot more selective and (be able to) distinguish between commodities, Henderson told Reuters in an interview..Some people have been hit very badly financially so there has been forced liquidation, Henderson said, adding that this could continue to have an adverse impact on London Metal Exchange traded metals.
If people were to go and buy a basket of these completely bombed-out companies, although they might not have picked the bottom, the upside potential is tremendous, Henderson said.
Iron ore, oil and gas, platinum and gold would also see prices rising on strong demand from emerging markets. Analysts are optimisitic about future demand in the biggest of the emerging markets, China. Continued growth in the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) will extend support to commodities. On Wednesday, Gold Investing News posted a commentary Consumer Confidence Strengthening detailing the enhanced sentiment in that metals future.
In London, this Wednesday, nickel prices continued to fall on the LME due to lack of industrial demand. On Indias MCX, however, nickel August contract increased by 1.48 per cent at Rs 890.80 a kg against its previous closing at Rs 877.80. Nickel September contract opened at Rs 890 a kg against its previous closing at Rs 891.80. Nickel October contract moved upward 1.83 per cent, at Rs 915 a kg.
It has been a busy week at First Nickel (TSX: FNI). On Tuesday, they announced filing their unaudited financial statements for the three and six month periods ending June 30th, 2008. Highlights of their statements included a second quarter net loss of US$992,176 compared to net earnings of US$723,904 in the second quarter of 2007, an increase in production during the second quarter of 2008 with 969,865 pounds of payable nickel, as compared to 878,866 pounds produced in the second quarter of 2007.
Moving forward, First Nickel is looking to an aggressive expansion program. This week they announced plans to raise US$4.5 million to finance exploration programs in Ontario. US$15 million of funds will be raised by selling common shares at 30 cents each. This flow-through financing will be used to expand our aggressive exploration programs in Sudbury and southeastern Ontario while allowing First Nickel to invest our cash from operations on reducing costs, improving efficiencies and adding to resources at the Lockerby Mine, said William Anderson, President and CEO of First Nickel.
First Nickel also reported on developments at their Ragan Hills Project. The project is a joint venture with Pacific Northwest Capital Corp. (CA: PFN). Both companies were pleased to announce the commencement of surface mapping and sampling programs at the project. The mapping program is designed to verify the geophysical electromagnetic anomalies identified by an earlier Aeroquest AEM survey. The Raglan Hills Project consists of 21 claim blocks totaling 2,752 hectares situated northeast of Bancroft, Ontario. Minimal exploration has occurred since the late 1980s, and the property has potential to host economic nickel-copper sulphide mineralization. Capital and First Nickel are participating in a 50-50 per cent Joint Venture whereby both Companies agree to bear all expenditures and participate in a single purpose joint venture for the purpose of carrying out mineral exploration on the project. ... uture.html
เล่นหุ้นคนแก่ แต่แอบเปรี้ยวเป็นบางเวลา
- preeda_mark
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Nickel หลักๆใช้ทำอะไรมั่งครับ?
โพสต์ที่ 5
ที่รู้คือนำ Ni 8% Cr 18% มาผสมในเหล็กก็จะได้แสตนเลส 304grade ราคาแสตนเลสจะถูกผูกกับ Ni เป็นหลัก เนื่องจากราคาNi แพงมาก
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- โพสต์: 590
- ผู้ติดตาม: 0
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- โพสต์: 1475
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Nickel หลักๆใช้ทำอะไรมั่งครับ?
โพสต์ที่ 8
ใช้ทำเหรียญด้วยครับ เหรียญบาท พ.ศ. 2551 ลงไปใช้ นิกเกิลมากถึง 25% (อีก 75% เป็นทองแดง) แต่เหรียญบาทตั้งแต่ 2552 เป็นต้นมาเป็นแค่เหล็กชุบนิกเกิล เหรียญห้าบาทกับสิบบาทส่วนที่เป็นสีขาวๆตอนนี้ก็ยังใช้นิกเกิล 25%
ของเหรียญบาท ... 2%E0%B8%97
ของเหรียญห้าบาท ... 2%E0%B8%97
ของเหรียญบาท ... 2%E0%B8%97
ของเหรียญห้าบาท ... 2%E0%B8%97