- yoyo
- สมาชิกสมาคมนักลงทุนเน้นคุณค่า
- โพสต์: 4833
- ผู้ติดตาม: 0
โพสต์ที่ 31
คู่แข่ง และบริษัทที่ใกล้เคียงครับ
CHBT's CEO has said before that his goal is for the company to become the largest producer of probiotics not only in China, but the world. He has also said the company could expand vertically by acquiring a dairy company and introducing it's own yogurt/dairy products or could diversify into food additives. So while the next few year's focus will be on the Phase I & II capacity expansions at the new plant and the bulk additive and retail store expansions, it will be interesting to see where he takes the company down the road. The company certainly has the cash to pursue a wide variety of options.
With that in mind I wanted to look at some peers, both similar to CHBT's current operations, and similar to what CHBT could evolve into. I found a range of companies to compare CHBT to including Biostime Inc, Genmont Biotech, Lifeway, Chr. Hansen, Danisco, Group Danone, and NBTY.
First is Biostime, Inc. They're a private company and I could not find any info on their annual revenues, but they appear to be pretty similar to CHBT and perhaps one of their closest domestic competitors. From one of their press releases:
About Biostime, Inc. (Guangzhou)
Biostime, Inc. (Guangzhou) was founded in 1999. Collaborating with Lallemand SA, Biostime launched the product Biostime® Probiotic Sachet for Children in 2002, which is the No. 1 brand of children's probiotic product in China nowadays. Biostime is the first company in China to promote probiotic concept nationwide through TV and other media, and now well-known as the leading company in probiotic market. Biostime is building a GMP grade factory in Guangzhou, China for production of probiotic sachets, tablets and capsules, which will start its operation in the third quarter of 2007. It has 400 employees and 58 sales offices all over China. For more information, please visit
Here is Biostime's website.
There is no English version, but you can use Google Translate to get a half decent translation. Here is their description of their manufacturing facility. They claim 150 tons capacity, the same as CHBT's Phase I new plant. Total factory area is only 5,500 sq meters compared to CHBT's 20,000 sq meter production area.
High standards of GMP plant
Synbiotics invest more than 20 million in the Guangzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone to build the new plant, in May 2008 passed the National GMP certification. Synbiotics GMP factory covers an area of about 5500 square meters, total construction area of about 9,000 square meters, including two independent shop, general health were used in the production of food and probiotic products.
Advanced production equipment and technology
Probiotics and general health food can be two workshops each annual production capacity of up to 1 million bags, or 150 tons of powder, 150 million tablets and 80 million capsules, the world's most advanced scale probiotic products and the largest manufacturer of other health food.
Next up is Genmont Biotech. Genmont is a probiotics company based in Taiwan. Genmont is publicly traded on the Taipei Stock Exchange. From their company description:
Genmont Biotech Inc. The Group's principal activities are researching, developing, manufacturing and selling functional probiotics, new protein drugs and Chinese herbal formulas. Operations are carried out in Taiwan.
You'll also note from that page that Genmont has a market cap of 4.3 billion Taiwan dollars (roughly $133 million USD). Genmont's financials can be seen here. Converting to USD, Genmont had 2009 sales of $11 million, and net income of $2.7 million. That's a PE ratio of almost 50. Genmont's gross margin is around 80% compared to CHBT's 70%. The stock went parabolic in 2009, increasing 10-fold as seen on it's chart on the above page.
Here is Genmont's English website where they describe their manufacturing facility. They appear to have only 6 tons annual capacity.
Next is Lifeway Foods, a producer of Kefir and probiotic drinks. Lifeway has a $172 million market cap and trades at 29x ttm earnings and 23x 2011 earnings, with a PEG ratio of around 1. That compares to CHBT's 12x ttm earnings and 7x 2011 earnings, and PEG ratio of around .3.
Chr Hansen is a supplier of probiotics, cultures and dairy enzymes, to the food, health and animal feed industries. Their company presentation can be seen here. They recently completed an IPO which raised $520 million (USD) and gave the company a market cap of roughly $2 billion (USD). From their 2009 annual report, Chr Hansen had $80 million in cash and $900 million in debt. So even after the IPO they still had net debt of $300 million, so an enterprise value of $2.3 billion. Their 2009 revenue was Euro 511 million ($612 million USD), and operating income of Euro 110 million ($132 million USD). So Chr Hansen's enterprise value/operating income ratio is roughly 17.4, compared to CHBT's EV/operating income ratio of around 7. Chr Hansen's gross margins are around 50%, compared to CHBT's 70%. Also of note is that Chr Hansen's probiotic additives division is less than 50% of sales, and Asia Pacific/Middle East/Africa is only 13% of sales. If you figure 6% of sales is to China, then Chr Hansen's sales of probiotics additives to China is around $40 million. CHBT is projecting bulk additive run rate of $55 million exiting 2010.
Danisco is another diversified food additives company with a roughly $3 billion market cap (USD), $2 billion in sales, and $300 million in EBITDA. Danisco has net debt of roughly $500 million, so an enterprise value of roughly $3.5 billion. That results in an EV/EBITDA ratio of 12 compared to CHBT's ratio of 6. Dansico's gross margins are around 35%, half that of CHBT's. Again, noting Danisco's sales breakdown with 15% coming from cultures and 17% from Asia/Pacific, if you figure half of that is China, you arrive at roughly $25 million in sales of bulk additives to China. Again far less than CHBT is projecting.
Danone is one of the largest dairy, baby nutrition, and bottled water companies with $18 billion in sales and a $33 billion market cap (all figures in USD). Net debt is $13 billion, so enterprise value is $46 billion. Operating income is around $2.8 billion. So EV/operating income is around 16.4, compared to CHBT's ratio of 7. Fresh dairy and baby nutrition sales account for roughly 70% of Danone's sales. Danone had roughly $2.3 billion in sales to Asia Pacific. If you figure half of that is in China (it's probably less), Danone had roughly $800 million in sales of fresh dairy products and baby nutrition products to China. Here is an interesting article about the problems Danone had with it's joint venture with Wahaha to try and gain a foothold in China:
Danone Gives Up China Fight
NBTY is a manufacturer/marketer of nutritional products and supplements. It's many brands include Nature's Bounty, Ester-C, MetRx, Body Fortress, etc. In addition to selling through distributors and mail order NBTY also operates around 1500 storefronts, including 450 Vitamin World stores in the US. With NBTY's product mix and mix of sales through distributors and owned retail outlets I feel it makes a pretty good comparison to CHBT. NBTY has a $2 billion market cap, $2.3 billion enterprise value, $2.8 billion in sales, $230 million in net income, and is trading at 9x ttm earnings and 8x 2011 earnings, with a PEG ratio of .9. Gross Margins are around 45%.
NBTY is trading at a fairly low PE ratio as it has matured and growth has slowed. However it is interesting to look at NBTY's long term stock chart. There were two major growth spurts for the stock, one from 1991 to 1994 during which time the stock increased 30 fold, and again from 1995 to 1998 when the stock increased 10 fold. In the dozen or so years after that the stock has increased only 4 fold roughly.
From NBTY's 1995 10k, we can see that during the 1991-1994 time frame, NBTY's sales increased from $73 million to $156 million, net income increased from $1 million to $8 million, EPS increased from $.09 to $.53. NBTY's market cap increased from about $10 million to $400 million (a 40 fold increase) whereas NBTY's share price increased 25-30 fold. Share price increased less than market cap because of dilution.
From NBTY's 1999 10k, we can see that during the 1995-1998 time frame, NBTY's sales increased from $250 million to $570 million, net income increased from $13 million to $39 million, and EPS increased from $.19 to $.56 (don't compare the EPS figures to the ones above because there was apparently a stock split somewhere along the line which was adjusted for in the 1999 10k). NBTY's market cap increased from $140 million to $1.4 billion (10 fold increase), and the share price also experience a 10-fold increase, as there was little dilution during this period.
Although it's a different decade, different region, different market sentiment now, etc, it's still interesting to compare where CHBT is currently to NBTY's growth phases. CHBT started at around a $140 million market cap at the time of it's reverse merger in late 2006 (17 million shares at around $8/share), so it's not comparable to NBTY's first growth spurt which began from a very low $10 million market cap. But CHBT's market cap, sales, net income, EPS, and growth rates are comparable to NBTY's second growth spurt. From the fiscal year ending Mar 2009 to the fiscal year ending Mar 2012, it is possible that CHBT's sales will have increased from $55 million to $200 million, net income from $17 million to $60-$70 million, and EPS from $.89 to near $3. That should be supportive of a $1 billion plus market cap.
Stepping back and looking at the big picture again, in light of the financials of some of CHBT's peers/competitors, CHBT's CEO's claims of wanting to build the largest probiotics company in the world don't sound as outlandish as they did when I first heard them. Compared to the large European suppliers (Chr Hansen, Danisco, etc), it is possible that once Phase I and Phase II are complete CHBT will be supplying a larger share of bulk additives to the domestic market. CHBT is also in a surprisingly strong cash position compared to the European suppliers which have substantial amounts of debt. Lastly, the Danone/Wahaha article pointed out problems the large international companies can encounter trying to establish a presence in the Chinese domestic market. Compared to the smaller domestic competitors such as Biostime and Genmont, CHBT has scale, a strong cash position, and the advantage of being a US listed company. I hope CHBT tries to capture as much of the domestic market as possible before turning towards foreign markets/acquisitions. I also hope that they consider carefully the pros and cons of acquiring a dairy company and introducing their own yogurt/dairy products as that would turn CHBT into a competitor of many of it's current customers. Overall however, the conditions are there for CHBT to grow into a very large, profitable company. Now it is up to execution.
CHBT's CEO has said before that his goal is for the company to become the largest producer of probiotics not only in China, but the world. He has also said the company could expand vertically by acquiring a dairy company and introducing it's own yogurt/dairy products or could diversify into food additives. So while the next few year's focus will be on the Phase I & II capacity expansions at the new plant and the bulk additive and retail store expansions, it will be interesting to see where he takes the company down the road. The company certainly has the cash to pursue a wide variety of options.
With that in mind I wanted to look at some peers, both similar to CHBT's current operations, and similar to what CHBT could evolve into. I found a range of companies to compare CHBT to including Biostime Inc, Genmont Biotech, Lifeway, Chr. Hansen, Danisco, Group Danone, and NBTY.
First is Biostime, Inc. They're a private company and I could not find any info on their annual revenues, but they appear to be pretty similar to CHBT and perhaps one of their closest domestic competitors. From one of their press releases:
About Biostime, Inc. (Guangzhou)
Biostime, Inc. (Guangzhou) was founded in 1999. Collaborating with Lallemand SA, Biostime launched the product Biostime® Probiotic Sachet for Children in 2002, which is the No. 1 brand of children's probiotic product in China nowadays. Biostime is the first company in China to promote probiotic concept nationwide through TV and other media, and now well-known as the leading company in probiotic market. Biostime is building a GMP grade factory in Guangzhou, China for production of probiotic sachets, tablets and capsules, which will start its operation in the third quarter of 2007. It has 400 employees and 58 sales offices all over China. For more information, please visit
Here is Biostime's website.
There is no English version, but you can use Google Translate to get a half decent translation. Here is their description of their manufacturing facility. They claim 150 tons capacity, the same as CHBT's Phase I new plant. Total factory area is only 5,500 sq meters compared to CHBT's 20,000 sq meter production area.
High standards of GMP plant
Synbiotics invest more than 20 million in the Guangzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone to build the new plant, in May 2008 passed the National GMP certification. Synbiotics GMP factory covers an area of about 5500 square meters, total construction area of about 9,000 square meters, including two independent shop, general health were used in the production of food and probiotic products.
Advanced production equipment and technology
Probiotics and general health food can be two workshops each annual production capacity of up to 1 million bags, or 150 tons of powder, 150 million tablets and 80 million capsules, the world's most advanced scale probiotic products and the largest manufacturer of other health food.
Next up is Genmont Biotech. Genmont is a probiotics company based in Taiwan. Genmont is publicly traded on the Taipei Stock Exchange. From their company description:
Genmont Biotech Inc. The Group's principal activities are researching, developing, manufacturing and selling functional probiotics, new protein drugs and Chinese herbal formulas. Operations are carried out in Taiwan.
You'll also note from that page that Genmont has a market cap of 4.3 billion Taiwan dollars (roughly $133 million USD). Genmont's financials can be seen here. Converting to USD, Genmont had 2009 sales of $11 million, and net income of $2.7 million. That's a PE ratio of almost 50. Genmont's gross margin is around 80% compared to CHBT's 70%. The stock went parabolic in 2009, increasing 10-fold as seen on it's chart on the above page.
Here is Genmont's English website where they describe their manufacturing facility. They appear to have only 6 tons annual capacity.
Next is Lifeway Foods, a producer of Kefir and probiotic drinks. Lifeway has a $172 million market cap and trades at 29x ttm earnings and 23x 2011 earnings, with a PEG ratio of around 1. That compares to CHBT's 12x ttm earnings and 7x 2011 earnings, and PEG ratio of around .3.
Chr Hansen is a supplier of probiotics, cultures and dairy enzymes, to the food, health and animal feed industries. Their company presentation can be seen here. They recently completed an IPO which raised $520 million (USD) and gave the company a market cap of roughly $2 billion (USD). From their 2009 annual report, Chr Hansen had $80 million in cash and $900 million in debt. So even after the IPO they still had net debt of $300 million, so an enterprise value of $2.3 billion. Their 2009 revenue was Euro 511 million ($612 million USD), and operating income of Euro 110 million ($132 million USD). So Chr Hansen's enterprise value/operating income ratio is roughly 17.4, compared to CHBT's EV/operating income ratio of around 7. Chr Hansen's gross margins are around 50%, compared to CHBT's 70%. Also of note is that Chr Hansen's probiotic additives division is less than 50% of sales, and Asia Pacific/Middle East/Africa is only 13% of sales. If you figure 6% of sales is to China, then Chr Hansen's sales of probiotics additives to China is around $40 million. CHBT is projecting bulk additive run rate of $55 million exiting 2010.
Danisco is another diversified food additives company with a roughly $3 billion market cap (USD), $2 billion in sales, and $300 million in EBITDA. Danisco has net debt of roughly $500 million, so an enterprise value of roughly $3.5 billion. That results in an EV/EBITDA ratio of 12 compared to CHBT's ratio of 6. Dansico's gross margins are around 35%, half that of CHBT's. Again, noting Danisco's sales breakdown with 15% coming from cultures and 17% from Asia/Pacific, if you figure half of that is China, you arrive at roughly $25 million in sales of bulk additives to China. Again far less than CHBT is projecting.
Danone is one of the largest dairy, baby nutrition, and bottled water companies with $18 billion in sales and a $33 billion market cap (all figures in USD). Net debt is $13 billion, so enterprise value is $46 billion. Operating income is around $2.8 billion. So EV/operating income is around 16.4, compared to CHBT's ratio of 7. Fresh dairy and baby nutrition sales account for roughly 70% of Danone's sales. Danone had roughly $2.3 billion in sales to Asia Pacific. If you figure half of that is in China (it's probably less), Danone had roughly $800 million in sales of fresh dairy products and baby nutrition products to China. Here is an interesting article about the problems Danone had with it's joint venture with Wahaha to try and gain a foothold in China:
Danone Gives Up China Fight
NBTY is a manufacturer/marketer of nutritional products and supplements. It's many brands include Nature's Bounty, Ester-C, MetRx, Body Fortress, etc. In addition to selling through distributors and mail order NBTY also operates around 1500 storefronts, including 450 Vitamin World stores in the US. With NBTY's product mix and mix of sales through distributors and owned retail outlets I feel it makes a pretty good comparison to CHBT. NBTY has a $2 billion market cap, $2.3 billion enterprise value, $2.8 billion in sales, $230 million in net income, and is trading at 9x ttm earnings and 8x 2011 earnings, with a PEG ratio of .9. Gross Margins are around 45%.
NBTY is trading at a fairly low PE ratio as it has matured and growth has slowed. However it is interesting to look at NBTY's long term stock chart. There were two major growth spurts for the stock, one from 1991 to 1994 during which time the stock increased 30 fold, and again from 1995 to 1998 when the stock increased 10 fold. In the dozen or so years after that the stock has increased only 4 fold roughly.
From NBTY's 1995 10k, we can see that during the 1991-1994 time frame, NBTY's sales increased from $73 million to $156 million, net income increased from $1 million to $8 million, EPS increased from $.09 to $.53. NBTY's market cap increased from about $10 million to $400 million (a 40 fold increase) whereas NBTY's share price increased 25-30 fold. Share price increased less than market cap because of dilution.
From NBTY's 1999 10k, we can see that during the 1995-1998 time frame, NBTY's sales increased from $250 million to $570 million, net income increased from $13 million to $39 million, and EPS increased from $.19 to $.56 (don't compare the EPS figures to the ones above because there was apparently a stock split somewhere along the line which was adjusted for in the 1999 10k). NBTY's market cap increased from $140 million to $1.4 billion (10 fold increase), and the share price also experience a 10-fold increase, as there was little dilution during this period.
Although it's a different decade, different region, different market sentiment now, etc, it's still interesting to compare where CHBT is currently to NBTY's growth phases. CHBT started at around a $140 million market cap at the time of it's reverse merger in late 2006 (17 million shares at around $8/share), so it's not comparable to NBTY's first growth spurt which began from a very low $10 million market cap. But CHBT's market cap, sales, net income, EPS, and growth rates are comparable to NBTY's second growth spurt. From the fiscal year ending Mar 2009 to the fiscal year ending Mar 2012, it is possible that CHBT's sales will have increased from $55 million to $200 million, net income from $17 million to $60-$70 million, and EPS from $.89 to near $3. That should be supportive of a $1 billion plus market cap.
Stepping back and looking at the big picture again, in light of the financials of some of CHBT's peers/competitors, CHBT's CEO's claims of wanting to build the largest probiotics company in the world don't sound as outlandish as they did when I first heard them. Compared to the large European suppliers (Chr Hansen, Danisco, etc), it is possible that once Phase I and Phase II are complete CHBT will be supplying a larger share of bulk additives to the domestic market. CHBT is also in a surprisingly strong cash position compared to the European suppliers which have substantial amounts of debt. Lastly, the Danone/Wahaha article pointed out problems the large international companies can encounter trying to establish a presence in the Chinese domestic market. Compared to the smaller domestic competitors such as Biostime and Genmont, CHBT has scale, a strong cash position, and the advantage of being a US listed company. I hope CHBT tries to capture as much of the domestic market as possible before turning towards foreign markets/acquisitions. I also hope that they consider carefully the pros and cons of acquiring a dairy company and introducing their own yogurt/dairy products as that would turn CHBT into a competitor of many of it's current customers. Overall however, the conditions are there for CHBT to grow into a very large, profitable company. Now it is up to execution.
การลงทุนที่มีค่าที่สุด คือการลงทุนในความรู้
- yoyo
- สมาชิกสมาคมนักลงทุนเน้นคุณค่า
- โพสต์: 4833
- ผู้ติดตาม: 0
โพสต์ที่ 34
ตอนออกไปบริษัท Plan ว่าจะเอาไปซื้อบริษัทอื่นGreen เขียน:สงสัยนิดนึงครับ ว่า ทำไมบริษัทถึง ออก PO เมื่อปีที่แล้ว ได้เงินมา65.5 M และตอนนี้บอกว่าจะซื้อหุ้นคืน 30 M
ดู มันขัดๆ กันหรือป่าวครับ
แต่เห็นก็เงียบไปเลย... คงหาซื้อที่ถูกใจถูกเงินไม่ได้มั๊งครับ
ผมถือว่านี่ก็เป็นจุดนึงที่ ผบห. ทำพลาด เค้าไม่น่าจะเพิ่มทุนด้วยซ้ำในตอนนั้น เพราะลำพังธุรกิจเดิมของบริษัทมันก็ยังมี Room สำหรับโตได้เยอะมากอยู่แล้ว ไม่น่าจะรีบไปยุ่งเรื่องการ Take over บริษํทอื่น
การลงทุนที่มีค่าที่สุด คือการลงทุนในความรู้
- Verified User
- โพสต์: 2606
- ผู้ติดตาม: 0
โพสต์ที่ 36
ใกล้ออกผลประกอบการณ์ แล้ว อยากรู้เร็วๆ จังว่า Bulk จะสำเร็จมากแค่ไหน เท่าที่ตามดู เห็น บริษัทคาดการณ์ ว่าจะสามารถผลิตได้ครึ่งนึงของกำลังการผลิต ในช่วงปลายปี จริงๆ แล้วอยากเห็นมันไปได้เร็วกว่านั้น เพราะเดี๋ยวก็จะมีการขยายกำลังการผลิต เฟสสอง ตามมาติดๆ อีก
- Verified User
- โพสต์: 10
- ผู้ติดตาม: 0
โพสต์ที่ 37
China-Biotics (CHBT) gets it. It is all about becoming the dominant supplier of bulk probiotics to the Chinese functional food industry. After that, it can take on the world.
Over two years ago, the China-Biotics strategy was to increase the number of its retail stores from 60 in April 2008 to 300 stores by April 2009. As of March 31, 2010, the Company had 111 retail stores to sell its Shining branded probiotics supplements, which is an increase of 1 store from its 110 retail stores as of September 30, 2008. Sales from its 111 retail stores only accounted for 14% of last year's sales. What happened to the additional 189 stores? The Bulk Probiotics Opportunity is Much Bigger.
Last year, China-Biotics embarked on a strategy to raise money in a secondary offering of their common stock. They ended up raising $75 million in a secondary at a price of $15 per share in September 2009. The main reason for the secondary was to acquire a North American probiotics company with a good brand and to sell their products in China since most American brands perform well in China. What happened to the acquisition? The Bulk Probiotics Opportunity is Much Bigger. (note: $20 million of the cash raised is now being used to do a stock buyback starting on or after August 9, 2010 and the rest could be used to build another bulk plant)
China-Biotics management has realized that their future is not in retail or in acquisitions, but rather in selling probiotics in bulk. According to Euromonitor:
Asia Pacific is by far the most important region for probiotics. Euromonitor International ingredients data shows that the region accounts for 46% of total global probiotic culture volume sales in 2008 (38,464 tons).
While South Korea and Japan are close to probiotic yogurt saturation, China poses a huge growth potential. In 2008, probiotic drinking yogurt value sales rose by 26%, driven by the strong performance of several players such as Hunan Taizinai Group, Hangzhou Wahaha Group and Yakult Honsha.
Euromonitor International predicts that over the 2008-2013 forecast period, value sales in China will rise by another 90% to reach RMB15.3 billion ($2.1 billion) in 2013.
The scene is set for probiotic biscuits to become the next generation of fortified/functional biscuits for emerging markets and developing countries such as China...
Why does China-Biotics view its bulk probiotics business as more attractive than its retail business?
China-Biotics currently has 39 bulk customers as of June 30, 2010, up from 28 bulk customers as of March 31, 2010. These 39 bulk customers are selling their finished probiotics products (yogurt, ice cream, supplements, etc.) to the fastest growing middle class in the world -- China. Instead of China-Biotics producing probiotic supplements for 1 retailer (itself), it is now producing probiotics for 40 retailers (itself and the 39 bulk customers). As China-Biotics becomes a part of the production work flow of dozens of their bulk customers, the re-orders will keep coming.
China-Biotics bulk sales will increase dramatically as the following scenario unfolds:
The Company signs up more bulk customers.
The average order size increases. For example, a major dairy company will have lots of production plants and they might use China-Biotics probiotics for one or two plants and use Chr Hansen or Danisco (European competitors) for the rest of their plants. As the dairy company gets more comfortable with taste, texture, and quality of China-Biotics probiotics, they will use China-Biotics in more of their plants and decrease the use of the more expensive European competition.
The Company increases in bulk capacity at its new plant. For the past several years, all of China-Biotics production was from their 12 metric ton plant in Pudong. In February 2010, the Company launched Phase 1 of its new plant in Qingpu, which is capable of producing 150 metric tons. Phase 2 of the new plant in Qingpu is capable of producing another 150 metric tons and is scheduled to be completed by March 31, 2011.
The Company builds more bulk probiotic plants. The probiotic business in China is estimated to be 10,000 metric tons. When China-Biotics sells all of their production at the new plant in Qingpu, their market share will be 3.0%. Given that the first plant for Phases 1 & 2 cost $45.5 million and is capable of producing $220 million in revenue at a 70% gross margin, it is only logical to build more plants given the size of the market. Their future plants can also be located in other Chinese provinces where the land and labor costs are cheaper versus their new plant, which is located in Shanghai.
Here are the bulk sales from the old plant in Pudong:
Certain probiotic strains can be manufactured in one shift, while other strains can take 21 days. In addition, each bulk customer will have different concentration requirements (e.g., animal feed is more diluted than dairy products). Some bulk customers require strains that are very common in the marketplace, while others require more complex strains. Therefore, the selling price per KG has a very large range, but the Company has guided investors to an average price of $733/kg. If you assume it takes three years to achieve a 300 metric ton run rate at the new plant, this is what the quarterly bulk sales could look like at the new plant in Qingpu:
click to enlarge
The prior quarterly bulk sales history has an average annualized sales per customer of approximately $1 million. To date, the Company has sold in small quantities to its existing bulk customers given the Company's capacity restraints at its old plant. In addition, bulk customers are new and are busy integrating China-Biotics products into their production lines for the first time. As these customers become more comfortable with the Company's products, order sizes will increase for China-Biotics. If you assume that the Company gets 6 new bulk customers per quarter, the average customer order would only have to double to approximately $2 million per year in order to achieve the bulk sales projections outlined above.
Achieving $2 million in bulk sales per customer should be easy for China-Biotics to achieve, as customers increase their usage of China-Biotics over their more expensive European competition. Given the low costs to operate in China, it costs European manufacturers such as Chr. Hansen and Danisco six times more to produce their probiotics and export them to China. China-Biotics prices their products at a 30% discount to the competition and has a 70% gross margin, which leaves plenty of pricing flexibility.
New investors have the ability to purchase China-Biotics at a deep discount to its long-term value before China-Biotics bulk sales really take off. To learn more about this opportunity, read my article China-Biotics has the Goods to be a 5-Bagger.
Over two years ago, the China-Biotics strategy was to increase the number of its retail stores from 60 in April 2008 to 300 stores by April 2009. As of March 31, 2010, the Company had 111 retail stores to sell its Shining branded probiotics supplements, which is an increase of 1 store from its 110 retail stores as of September 30, 2008. Sales from its 111 retail stores only accounted for 14% of last year's sales. What happened to the additional 189 stores? The Bulk Probiotics Opportunity is Much Bigger.
Last year, China-Biotics embarked on a strategy to raise money in a secondary offering of their common stock. They ended up raising $75 million in a secondary at a price of $15 per share in September 2009. The main reason for the secondary was to acquire a North American probiotics company with a good brand and to sell their products in China since most American brands perform well in China. What happened to the acquisition? The Bulk Probiotics Opportunity is Much Bigger. (note: $20 million of the cash raised is now being used to do a stock buyback starting on or after August 9, 2010 and the rest could be used to build another bulk plant)
China-Biotics management has realized that their future is not in retail or in acquisitions, but rather in selling probiotics in bulk. According to Euromonitor:
Asia Pacific is by far the most important region for probiotics. Euromonitor International ingredients data shows that the region accounts for 46% of total global probiotic culture volume sales in 2008 (38,464 tons).
While South Korea and Japan are close to probiotic yogurt saturation, China poses a huge growth potential. In 2008, probiotic drinking yogurt value sales rose by 26%, driven by the strong performance of several players such as Hunan Taizinai Group, Hangzhou Wahaha Group and Yakult Honsha.
Euromonitor International predicts that over the 2008-2013 forecast period, value sales in China will rise by another 90% to reach RMB15.3 billion ($2.1 billion) in 2013.
The scene is set for probiotic biscuits to become the next generation of fortified/functional biscuits for emerging markets and developing countries such as China...
Why does China-Biotics view its bulk probiotics business as more attractive than its retail business?
China-Biotics currently has 39 bulk customers as of June 30, 2010, up from 28 bulk customers as of March 31, 2010. These 39 bulk customers are selling their finished probiotics products (yogurt, ice cream, supplements, etc.) to the fastest growing middle class in the world -- China. Instead of China-Biotics producing probiotic supplements for 1 retailer (itself), it is now producing probiotics for 40 retailers (itself and the 39 bulk customers). As China-Biotics becomes a part of the production work flow of dozens of their bulk customers, the re-orders will keep coming.
China-Biotics bulk sales will increase dramatically as the following scenario unfolds:
The Company signs up more bulk customers.
The average order size increases. For example, a major dairy company will have lots of production plants and they might use China-Biotics probiotics for one or two plants and use Chr Hansen or Danisco (European competitors) for the rest of their plants. As the dairy company gets more comfortable with taste, texture, and quality of China-Biotics probiotics, they will use China-Biotics in more of their plants and decrease the use of the more expensive European competition.
The Company increases in bulk capacity at its new plant. For the past several years, all of China-Biotics production was from their 12 metric ton plant in Pudong. In February 2010, the Company launched Phase 1 of its new plant in Qingpu, which is capable of producing 150 metric tons. Phase 2 of the new plant in Qingpu is capable of producing another 150 metric tons and is scheduled to be completed by March 31, 2011.
The Company builds more bulk probiotic plants. The probiotic business in China is estimated to be 10,000 metric tons. When China-Biotics sells all of their production at the new plant in Qingpu, their market share will be 3.0%. Given that the first plant for Phases 1 & 2 cost $45.5 million and is capable of producing $220 million in revenue at a 70% gross margin, it is only logical to build more plants given the size of the market. Their future plants can also be located in other Chinese provinces where the land and labor costs are cheaper versus their new plant, which is located in Shanghai.
Here are the bulk sales from the old plant in Pudong:
Certain probiotic strains can be manufactured in one shift, while other strains can take 21 days. In addition, each bulk customer will have different concentration requirements (e.g., animal feed is more diluted than dairy products). Some bulk customers require strains that are very common in the marketplace, while others require more complex strains. Therefore, the selling price per KG has a very large range, but the Company has guided investors to an average price of $733/kg. If you assume it takes three years to achieve a 300 metric ton run rate at the new plant, this is what the quarterly bulk sales could look like at the new plant in Qingpu:
click to enlarge
The prior quarterly bulk sales history has an average annualized sales per customer of approximately $1 million. To date, the Company has sold in small quantities to its existing bulk customers given the Company's capacity restraints at its old plant. In addition, bulk customers are new and are busy integrating China-Biotics products into their production lines for the first time. As these customers become more comfortable with the Company's products, order sizes will increase for China-Biotics. If you assume that the Company gets 6 new bulk customers per quarter, the average customer order would only have to double to approximately $2 million per year in order to achieve the bulk sales projections outlined above.
Achieving $2 million in bulk sales per customer should be easy for China-Biotics to achieve, as customers increase their usage of China-Biotics over their more expensive European competition. Given the low costs to operate in China, it costs European manufacturers such as Chr. Hansen and Danisco six times more to produce their probiotics and export them to China. China-Biotics prices their products at a 30% discount to the competition and has a 70% gross margin, which leaves plenty of pricing flexibility.
New investors have the ability to purchase China-Biotics at a deep discount to its long-term value before China-Biotics bulk sales really take off. To learn more about this opportunity, read my article China-Biotics has the Goods to be a 5-Bagger.
- Verified User
- โพสต์: 10
- ผู้ติดตาม: 0
- Verified User
- โพสต์: 2606
- ผู้ติดตาม: 0
โพสต์ที่ 39
เคยเข้า บล็อกนี้ กันหรือยังครับ เค้าอัพเดทข้อมูลได้ค่อนข้างดี บ่อยด้วย
มีรูปโรงงานใหม่ด้วย ลองดูกันครับ
เคยเข้า บล็อกนี้ กันหรือยังครับ เค้าอัพเดทข้อมูลได้ค่อนข้างดี บ่อยด้วย
มีรูปโรงงานใหม่ด้วย ลองดูกันครับ
- yoyo
- สมาชิกสมาคมนักลงทุนเน้นคุณค่า
- โพสต์: 4833
- ผู้ติดตาม: 0
โพสต์ที่ 40
เคยเข้า บล็อกนี้ กันหรือยังครับ เค้าอัพเดทข้อมูลได้ค่อนข้างดี บ่อยด้วย
เคยเข้า บล็อกนี้ กันหรือยังครับ เค้าอัพเดทข้อมูลได้ค่อนข้างดี บ่อยด้วย
การลงทุนที่มีค่าที่สุด คือการลงทุนในความรู้
- Verified User
- โพสต์: 2606
- ผู้ติดตาม: 0
โพสต์ที่ 41
ได้คุณโยโย่ มายืนยันก็ยิ่งสบายใจคนนี้สุดยอดมากครับ... ผมว่าเป็นเซียน vi คนนึงในต่างประเทศเลยก็ว่าได้
ข้อมูลแน่นลึกสุดๆ ผมก็ตามอ่านเค้าเรื่อยๆครับ ข้อมูลหลายอันที่ผมเอามา post ก็มาจากพี่ wefe นี่แหละครับ
ผมอ่านที่เค้าเขียนใน 100-baggers เห็นกราฟที่เค้านำมาใช้วิเคาระห์ ถือว่าน่าสนใจมากเลยครับ เป็นนักลงทุนทำการบ้านหนักจริงๆ
- yoyo
- สมาชิกสมาคมนักลงทุนเน้นคุณค่า
- โพสต์: 4833
- ผู้ติดตาม: 0
โพสต์ที่ 42
งบ Q1 ออกมาแล้วครับ ....
- GP ลดลงเล็กน้อย จากปกติที่ทำได้ประมาณ 70 นิดๆ เหลือ 69% น่าจะเป็นผลจากการขาย Bulk เพิ่มขึ้น ซึ่งเป็นการขาย lot ใหญ่ๆ GPM เลยน่าจะน้อยกว่าเป็นเรื่องปกติ
- แต่ที่เจ๋งมากๆคือค่า Selling/Sale นี่แหละครับ ผมคิดว่าในธุรกิจ Bulk นั้นค่าใช้จ่ายในการขายไม่น่าจะสูง (แลกกับ GP ที่ต่ำกว่า) เพราะค่าขนส่งก็ประหยัด แล้วก็ไม่ต้องมีหน้าร้านไม่ต้องมีค่าเช่า.. บริษัทสามารถลดปีที่แล้วยประมาณ 16.6 % เหลือเพียง 12.27% เท่านั้นเอง
- General Admin นี่ก็เยี่ยมครับ เหลือเพียง 9.15% จาก 10.5% ในปีที่แล้ว
- Tax rate เหลือ 19.3 จาก 21.9% ซึ่งบริษัทเพิ่งได้ลดหย่อยภาษีเหลือ 15% ในช่วงต้นปีนี้ครับ
- จากการควบคุมต้นทุนได้ดี ทำให้ Net Margin เพิ่มขึ้นจาก 34 เป็น 38.7%
ซึ่งตามประมาณการเดิมของผมที่คิดไว้แบบ Conservative ที่ 31.5% ก็ดูว่า Conservative ไปมากเลยครับ ในไตรมาสต่อๆไปที่ยอดขายน่าจะเพิ่มขึ้นเป็นขั้นบันไดจาก (Bulk ที่เพิ่มขึ้น + ครึ่งปีหลังเป็น High season) น่าจะทำให้ NPM เพิ่มขึ้นเรื่อยๆด้วยครับ เดิมผมประมาณกำไรไว้ประมาณ 1.6-1.7 สงสัยต้องซัก $2 ก็น่าจะมีสิทธิได้เห็นเหมือนกันนะนี่
- GP ลดลงเล็กน้อย จากปกติที่ทำได้ประมาณ 70 นิดๆ เหลือ 69% น่าจะเป็นผลจากการขาย Bulk เพิ่มขึ้น ซึ่งเป็นการขาย lot ใหญ่ๆ GPM เลยน่าจะน้อยกว่าเป็นเรื่องปกติ
- แต่ที่เจ๋งมากๆคือค่า Selling/Sale นี่แหละครับ ผมคิดว่าในธุรกิจ Bulk นั้นค่าใช้จ่ายในการขายไม่น่าจะสูง (แลกกับ GP ที่ต่ำกว่า) เพราะค่าขนส่งก็ประหยัด แล้วก็ไม่ต้องมีหน้าร้านไม่ต้องมีค่าเช่า.. บริษัทสามารถลดปีที่แล้วยประมาณ 16.6 % เหลือเพียง 12.27% เท่านั้นเอง
- General Admin นี่ก็เยี่ยมครับ เหลือเพียง 9.15% จาก 10.5% ในปีที่แล้ว
- Tax rate เหลือ 19.3 จาก 21.9% ซึ่งบริษัทเพิ่งได้ลดหย่อยภาษีเหลือ 15% ในช่วงต้นปีนี้ครับ
- จากการควบคุมต้นทุนได้ดี ทำให้ Net Margin เพิ่มขึ้นจาก 34 เป็น 38.7%
ซึ่งตามประมาณการเดิมของผมที่คิดไว้แบบ Conservative ที่ 31.5% ก็ดูว่า Conservative ไปมากเลยครับ ในไตรมาสต่อๆไปที่ยอดขายน่าจะเพิ่มขึ้นเป็นขั้นบันไดจาก (Bulk ที่เพิ่มขึ้น + ครึ่งปีหลังเป็น High season) น่าจะทำให้ NPM เพิ่มขึ้นเรื่อยๆด้วยครับ เดิมผมประมาณกำไรไว้ประมาณ 1.6-1.7 สงสัยต้องซัก $2 ก็น่าจะมีสิทธิได้เห็นเหมือนกันนะนี่
การลงทุนที่มีค่าที่สุด คือการลงทุนในความรู้
- Verified User
- โพสต์: 393
- ผู้ติดตาม: 0
โพสต์ที่ 44
นี่ไงมั๊งครับ เมื่อคืนบวกมา 13% กว่าๆ สงสัยเริ่มตื่นเต้นแล้วมังครับ.....
- Verified User
- โพสต์: 2606
- ผู้ติดตาม: 0
โพสต์ที่ 45
ขยายอีกหล่ะ ไปอาหารสัตว์ สร้างโรงงานใหม่เพิ่มอีก
China-Biotics to Build New Facility to Produce Probiotics and Related Products for the Animal Feed Industry in Shanxi Province
SHANGHAI, Aug. 16 /PRNewswire-Asia-FirstCall/ -- China-Biotics, Inc. ("China-Biotics," the "Company") (Nasdaq: CHBT), a leading developer, manufacturer and distributor of probiotics products in China, today announced that the Company plans to build a new facility dedicated to the production and sale of probiotics and related biological products for the animal feed industry in Yangling Agricultural High-tech Industries Demonstration Zone in Shanxi Province.
The new facility will be located on 126 mu (1 mu = 0.0667 hectares) inside the Yangling Agricultural Hi-tech Industries Demonstration Zone in the Shanxi Province of China. The Company estimates that construction of the new facility will be completed within two years.
Once operational, the new facility will enjoy a favorable tax holiday for its first three years and half the standard tax rate in the following year. The Company is currently in discussions with leading domestic and multinational agricultural companies for potential partnership in this project.
Mr. Jinan Song, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of China-Biotics, commented, "After nearly 3 years of thorough study and testing of probiotics strains for animal feed products and refining our proprietary fermentation technology, we have reached a new stage that allows us to commercialize our research achievements. The establishment of this animal feed probiotics facility, which can become the second engine to propel our long-term growth, will mark another milestone for China-Biotics as we confidently march into the vast Chinese animal feed market."
"Probiotics have been identified by the National Development Reform Commission as a major solution to address the overuse of antibiotics in livestock and fish farms. As China continues to face a scarcity of domestically supplied enzymes and fermented animal feed, our new animal feed probiotics production base with proprietary fermentation technologies will make a timely entrance into the marketplace," Mr. Song concluded.
China-Biotics to Build New Facility to Produce Probiotics and Related Products for the Animal Feed Industry in Shanxi Province
SHANGHAI, Aug. 16 /PRNewswire-Asia-FirstCall/ -- China-Biotics, Inc. ("China-Biotics," the "Company") (Nasdaq: CHBT), a leading developer, manufacturer and distributor of probiotics products in China, today announced that the Company plans to build a new facility dedicated to the production and sale of probiotics and related biological products for the animal feed industry in Yangling Agricultural High-tech Industries Demonstration Zone in Shanxi Province.
The new facility will be located on 126 mu (1 mu = 0.0667 hectares) inside the Yangling Agricultural Hi-tech Industries Demonstration Zone in the Shanxi Province of China. The Company estimates that construction of the new facility will be completed within two years.
Once operational, the new facility will enjoy a favorable tax holiday for its first three years and half the standard tax rate in the following year. The Company is currently in discussions with leading domestic and multinational agricultural companies for potential partnership in this project.
Mr. Jinan Song, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of China-Biotics, commented, "After nearly 3 years of thorough study and testing of probiotics strains for animal feed products and refining our proprietary fermentation technology, we have reached a new stage that allows us to commercialize our research achievements. The establishment of this animal feed probiotics facility, which can become the second engine to propel our long-term growth, will mark another milestone for China-Biotics as we confidently march into the vast Chinese animal feed market."
"Probiotics have been identified by the National Development Reform Commission as a major solution to address the overuse of antibiotics in livestock and fish farms. As China continues to face a scarcity of domestically supplied enzymes and fermented animal feed, our new animal feed probiotics production base with proprietary fermentation technologies will make a timely entrance into the marketplace," Mr. Song concluded.
- Verified User
- โพสต์: 2606
- ผู้ติดตาม: 0
โพสต์ที่ 46
Convertible bond หรือป่าวครับ ถ้าใช่ ตัวนี้ หมด 11 dec 2010 น่าจะมีกระทบใน งบ อีกภายใน Fiscal year 2011. ( งบปีนี้ 10 / 11 ) จริงๆ แล้ว มันไม่ได้เกี่ยวกับการดำเนินงานของบริษัทเลย แต่มันทำให้การคำนวนต่างๆ เช่นค่า PE ratio ใน google/yahoo finance เพี้ยนไปหมดJazzman เขียน:พี่ YoYo คับ คือ ผมสงสัยว่า ค่าใช้จ่าน ใน Q4( 5822)และ Q2 (9288) ในหัวข้อ
คือ ค่าใช้จ่ายอะไรคับ พอทราบรึเปล่าคับ และจะเกิดขึ้นอีกรึเปล่าคับในอนาคต ผมหาไม่เจอ
ปีหน้า พอหมดแล้ว คงดูเข้าที่เข้าทางมากขึ้น
- Verified User
- โพสต์: 8
- ผู้ติดตาม: 0
โพสต์ที่ 48
100 Fastest-growing companies
The world's supercharged performers
ติดอันดับ 62 ในนิตยสารฟอร์จูนครับ
The world's supercharged performers
ติดอันดับ 62 ในนิตยสารฟอร์จูนครับ
- Verified User
- โพสต์: 8
- ผู้ติดตาม: 0
- Verified User
- โพสต์: 2606
- ผู้ติดตาม: 0
โพสต์ที่ 50
วันนี้ ร่วงเยอะจริง น่าจะเกี่ยวกับเรื่องธรรมาภิบาล อันนี้ นักลงทุน ลงทุนด้วยความไม่ประมาท นะคร้าบบ ได้เรื่องอย่างไร เดี๋ยวมาอัพเดท ให้ฟังเรื่อยๆ ... asdaqchbt/ ... asdaqchbt/
- Verified User
- โพสต์: 2606
- ผู้ติดตาม: 0
โพสต์ที่ 53
อืมม จะว่าไป เรื่องนี้ ก็ไม่ใช่เรื่อง ใหม่ อะไรนะ
ค่ายที่ Short เอาไว้ ก็จะเล่นเรื่อง ความน่าสงสัย เปรียบเทียบ งบการเงิน ที่ส่งให้ SAIC กับ SEC ว่าส่งให้ SAIC มันน้อยกว่า ที่ส่งให้ SEC มากๆๆ เป็นบริษัทกำละมอ ที่มาหลอกเอาเงิน นักลงทุนใน US
แต่ว่า บทวิเคราะห์นี้ เล่นเรื่อง บริษัทนี้ มีสาขาอยู่น้อย กว่าที่บอกไว้มาก และเน้นการขายตรง ( ที่เค้าบอกว่าผิดกฏหมายในจีน ??? ) โดยมี วีดีโอ ร้านที่ดูเก่าๆ โทรมๆ พร้อมรูป เหมือนกับการขายตรง เพิ่มขึ้นมาด้วย
แต่หากอ่านใน Annual Report บริษัท เค้าก็บอกว่ามีรูปแบบการขายตรงด้วยนะ Umm
:roll: :roll:
ส่วนค่าย ที่ Long เอาไว้ ก็บอกว่า งบที่ส่งให้ SAIC เพื่อทำการต่อทะเบียนการค้าเท่านั้น ไม่ได้ส่งงบเพื่อเสียภาษี บริษัทส่วนใหญ่ มักจะให้นายหน้าส่งให้เสมอ ส่วนงบที่ต้องเสียภาษีจริงๆ นั้นจะส่งให้ SAT ที่ไม่เปิดเผยข้อมูลสู่สาธารณะชน
ความจริงจะเป็นอย่างไร อยู่ที่กาลเวลาเท่านั้นที่จะพิสูจน์ได้
ค่ายที่ Short เอาไว้ ก็จะเล่นเรื่อง ความน่าสงสัย เปรียบเทียบ งบการเงิน ที่ส่งให้ SAIC กับ SEC ว่าส่งให้ SAIC มันน้อยกว่า ที่ส่งให้ SEC มากๆๆ เป็นบริษัทกำละมอ ที่มาหลอกเอาเงิน นักลงทุนใน US
แต่ว่า บทวิเคราะห์นี้ เล่นเรื่อง บริษัทนี้ มีสาขาอยู่น้อย กว่าที่บอกไว้มาก และเน้นการขายตรง ( ที่เค้าบอกว่าผิดกฏหมายในจีน ??? ) โดยมี วีดีโอ ร้านที่ดูเก่าๆ โทรมๆ พร้อมรูป เหมือนกับการขายตรง เพิ่มขึ้นมาด้วย
แต่หากอ่านใน Annual Report บริษัท เค้าก็บอกว่ามีรูปแบบการขายตรงด้วยนะ Umm

ส่วนค่าย ที่ Long เอาไว้ ก็บอกว่า งบที่ส่งให้ SAIC เพื่อทำการต่อทะเบียนการค้าเท่านั้น ไม่ได้ส่งงบเพื่อเสียภาษี บริษัทส่วนใหญ่ มักจะให้นายหน้าส่งให้เสมอ ส่วนงบที่ต้องเสียภาษีจริงๆ นั้นจะส่งให้ SAT ที่ไม่เปิดเผยข้อมูลสู่สาธารณะชน
ความจริงจะเป็นอย่างไร อยู่ที่กาลเวลาเท่านั้นที่จะพิสูจน์ได้
- Verified User
- โพสต์: 2606
- ผู้ติดตาม: 0
- yoyo
- สมาชิกสมาคมนักลงทุนเน้นคุณค่า
- โพสต์: 4833
- ผู้ติดตาม: 0
โพสต์ที่ 58
บริษัท update store location ขึ้นเวปให้เรียบร้อยแล้วครับ ข้อหาเรื่อง retail store มีอยู่น้อย ก็น่าจะดูชัดขึ้น
แล้วก็มีจัด investor day ด้วยครับ
ผมเพิ่งส่งชื่อไป หวังว่าจะได้ไปดูโรงงานเค้ากับตาเหมือนกัน
แล้วก็มีจัด investor day ด้วยครับ
ผมเพิ่งส่งชื่อไป หวังว่าจะได้ไปดูโรงงานเค้ากับตาเหมือนกัน
การลงทุนที่มีค่าที่สุด คือการลงทุนในความรู้
- Verified User
- โพสต์: 26
- ผู้ติดตาม: 0
โพสต์ที่ 59
ได้หุ้นมาเมื่อวาน ตั้งไว้ว่าต่ำแล้วเชียว เห็นราคาตกฮวบเลยเชคข่าวซะหน่อย อึ้งไปเล็กน้อย
รบกวนหลายๆ ท่านที่ไปดูช่วยอัพเดทข้อเท็จจริงให้ด้วยนะคะ
เสียดายมากเพราะน้องเขยไปเซี่ยงไฮ้เมื่อต้นเดือนโดยไม่บอก ไม่งั้นคงขอให้ช่วยแลๆ หน่อย
ตอนนี้ได้แต่รอฝุ่นตลบ กับหวังว่าเครดิตของการเป็นหนึ่งในสามบริษัทจีนที่เป็นสมาชิก IPA จะเชื่อถือได้นะเนี่ย
รบกวนหลายๆ ท่านที่ไปดูช่วยอัพเดทข้อเท็จจริงให้ด้วยนะคะ
เสียดายมากเพราะน้องเขยไปเซี่ยงไฮ้เมื่อต้นเดือนโดยไม่บอก ไม่งั้นคงขอให้ช่วยแลๆ หน่อย
ตอนนี้ได้แต่รอฝุ่นตลบ กับหวังว่าเครดิตของการเป็นหนึ่งในสามบริษัทจีนที่เป็นสมาชิก IPA จะเชื่อถือได้นะเนี่ย
- yoyo
- สมาชิกสมาคมนักลงทุนเน้นคุณค่า
- โพสต์: 4833
- ผู้ติดตาม: 0
โพสต์ที่ 60
ถ้าตั้งได้เมื่อวานก็น่าจะยิ้มนะครับrenee เขียน:ได้หุ้นมาเมื่อวาน ตั้งไว้ว่าต่ำแล้วเชียว เห็นราคาตกฮวบเลยเชคข่าวซะหน่อย อึ้งไปเล็กน้อย
รบกวนหลายๆ ท่านที่ไปดูช่วยอัพเดทข้อเท็จจริงให้ด้วยนะคะ
เสียดายมากเพราะน้องเขยไปเซี่ยงไฮ้เมื่อต้นเดือนโดยไม่บอก ไม่งั้นคงขอให้ช่วยแลๆ หน่อย
ตอนนี้ได้แต่รอฝุ่นตลบ กับหวังว่าเครดิตของการเป็นหนึ่งในสามบริษัทจีนที่เป็นสมาชิก IPA จะเชื่อถือได้นะเนี่ย
เพราะสุดท้ายก็กลับมาปิด + ขึ้นไปเยอะเหมือนกัน
ผมซิเพิ่งโอนเงินออกไปเพิ่มเมื่ออาทิตย์ที่แล้วตั้งเยอะ ซัดไปเต็มๆเลย $15
ผ่านไปแว่บเดียวได้เห็น ต่ำกว่า 12 ซะและ :lol:
การลงทุนที่มีค่าที่สุด คือการลงทุนในความรู้