The most funniest VI quotes บทนำ

เชิญมาพักผ่อน คลายร้อนนั่งเล่น คุยกันเย็นๆ พร้อมเรื่องกีฬา สัพเพเหระ ทัศนะนานา ชีวิตชีวา สุขภาพทั่วไป บันเทิงขำขัน รอบเรื่องเมืองไทย ชวนเที่ยวที่ไหน อยากไปก็นัดมา ...โย่วๆ

โพสต์ โพสต์
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The most funniest VI quotes บทนำ

โพสต์ที่ 1




วันนี้ วันที่ 7.6.2005 ไปตลาด โห!
กระบอกตาเขียวคล้ำ หน้าดำ กันเป็นแถว เสียงก่นด่าดังระงมทั่วย่านถิ่น
อีหรอบนี้ ทำใจปลุกไม่ขึ้น ติดลบปรกกระหม่อมทั้งหัวบนดำ
ช่วงนี้หัวเหลืองอะไรก็ไม่รู้ นอนละเมอยังเผลอขันไม่เลิก
ไม่ต้องใส่สูทผูกไท้ ขอให้กินแล้วขี้ก็พอ ยังเข้าใจตลาด

อ่านสนุกๆ  กระผมพิการทางเทคสนิค VI
กว่าจะสอบเข้ามาเป็น freshman มหาลัย value
อาศัยทั้ง นิยาย คำกลอน และคำคม ปลูกฝังตามพื้นเพาะเชื้อ
พอขึ้นปีสองแล้วค่อยเลือกวิชาสาขา ถ้าไม่เป็นวีไอใจแตกเสียก่อน.....555
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The most funniest VI quotes บทนำ

โพสต์ที่ 2


:man:  เข้ามาติดตามอ่านเด้อครับ
หุ้นตกบอร์ดเหงา แต่ไม่เฉาอารมณ์ ใช่มั้ยขอรับทั่นพี่...
"Winners never quit, and quitters never win."
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The most funniest VI quotes บทนำ

โพสต์ที่ 3


Chapter 1:  :man:  

Value investing is :B

The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) defines value as:
"A thing regarded as worth having" and "The material or monetary worth of a thing." :cool:

the Random House Dictionary of the English Language defines value as:
"of relative worth, merit or importance." :cool:

Value investing is a dream of yesterday, a disappointing today, and a hope for tomorrow
                  _Guru Soros,  when asked what he thought of value investor :shock:

Dr. Nives says that marriage is a lot like value investingdont believe him.  Value investing is
a lot more complicated.  :rofl:
                        _  Nong,  Thaivi freshman, after reading Dr.Nivess famous books

Valueway is a fine relief from the tensions of stock market, but I am a little tired of translating
the financial ratios.  :drink:

The only thing a value investor needs is more money  :welcome:

The more I read, the less I know about value investing.  :wall:

Nothing goes down slower than a P/E ratio.  :B

A perfect value investor must have the eye of an eagle, the neck of a graffe, the skin of an
alligator, and the bladder of an elephant.  :bow:

Two things that aint long for this world---dogs that chase cars and value investors who asks stock
mars.   :lovl:

All great value investors have good patience, and Im afraid you have to be born with them. :'O

When Dr.Nives  is warning, you know stock market  is too windy to be investing. :juju:

If you read Thaivis first page, its fun. If you read Thaivis  web board  its recreation.
If you read it everyday, youre addicted. :ep:

   _On describing Aprints pace of  price.  It is a little faster than a snail,  but not quite as fast as turtle. :cheers:
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The most funniest VI quotes บทนำ

โพสต์ที่ 4


Chapter 2:  :man:   :man:

The Pros..........  :bow:                            

Bill Gates  :man:
:bow:  Technology companies should be valued at a discount to the shares of companies like Disney and Coca-Cola, which have long term earnings.

Napoleon Bonaparte  :man:
:bow:  Once I have made up my mind, I screen out everything except what will make it succeed.

Benjamin Graham  :man:
:bow:  Confronted with the challenge to distil the secret of sound investment into three words, we venture the motto, Margin of Safety.

Alan Greenspan  :man:
:bow:  History demonstrates that participants in financial markets are susceptible to waves of optimism. Excessive optimism sows the seeds of its own reversal in the form of imbalances that tend to grow over time.

Peter Lynch  :man:
:bow:  Never invest in any idea you can't illustrate with a crayon.

Warren Buffett  :man:
:bow:  The first rule is not to lose. The second rule is not to forget the first rule.

Winston Churchill  :man:
:bow:  The optimist sees opportunity in every danger; the pessimist sees danger in every opportunity.

George Soros  :man:
:bow:  It's not whether you're right or wrong that's important, but how much money you make when you're right and how much you lose when you're wrong.
 The way to build long-term returns is through preservation of capital and home runs.
 I am cautious about going against the herd; I am liable to be trampled on.
 I am not an entrepreneur who builds businesses. I am an investor who judges them. My function in the financial markets is that of a critic and my critical judgements are expressed by my decisions to buy and sell.
 My approach works not by making valid predictions but by allowing me to correct false ones.
 The more the theory of efficient markets is believed, the less efficient the markets become.
 As a kid I played Monopoly with the twist I invented of buying and selling shares in the bank. Well, today, I do the same.

John Templeton  :man:
:bow:  The best time to invest is when you have money. This is because history suggests it is not timing which matters, it is time.

Mark Twain  :man:
:bow:  There are two times in a man's life when he should not speculate: when he can't afford it and when he can.
 October. This is one of the peculiarly dangerous months to speculate in stocks. Other dangerous months are July, January, September, April, November, May, March, June, December, August and February.

Philip A. Fisher  :man:
:bow:  If the job has been correctly done when a common stock is purchased, the time to sell it is - almost never.
 Great stocks are extremely hard to find. If they weren't, then everyone would own them.

Benjamin Franklin   :man:
:bow:  If you would like to know the value of money, try to borrow some.
 So convenient a thing it is to be a resonable creature, since it enables one to find or make a reason for everything one has a mind to do.
 If a man empties his purse into his head no one can take it away from him. An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.
 Creditors have better memories than debtors.

Adolf Hitler  :man:
:bow:  No country has ever been ruined on account of its debts.

John Maynard Keynes  :man:
:bow:  Lenin was right. There is no subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency.
 The avoidance of taxes is the only intellectual pursuit that still carries any reward.
 The game of professional investment is intolerably boring and over-exacting to anyone who is entirely exempt from the gambling instinct.
 To carry one's eggs in a great number of baskets without having the time or opportunity to discover how many have holes in the bottom, is the surest way of increasing risk and loss.
 As time goes on, I get more and more convinced that the right method in investment is to put fairly large sums into enterprises which one thinks one knows something about and in the management of which one thoroughly believes. It is a mistake to think that one limits one's risk by spreading too much between enterprises about which one knows little and has no reason for special confidence.
 The long run is a misleading guide to current affairs. In the long run we are all dead. Economists set themselves too easy, too useless a task if in tempestuous seasons they can only tell us when the storm is long past, the ocean will be flat.
 Investors may be quite willing to take the risk of being wrong in the company of others, while being much more reluctant to take the risk of being right alone.
 Markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent.
 The management of stock exchange investments is a kind of low pursuit from which it is a good thing for most members of society to be free.
 Playing the stock market is analogous to entering a newspaper beauty-judging contest in which one must select the six prettiest faces out of a hundred photographs, with the prize going to the person whose selections most nearly conform to those of the group as a whole.

Charlie Munger  :man:
:bow:  You do better to make a few large bets and sit back and wait . . . there are huge mathematical advantages to doing nothing.
 Stock-picking is like gambling: those who win well, seldom bet, but when they do, they bet heavily.
 Bull markets go to people's heads. If you're a duck on a pond, and it's rising due to a downpour, you start going up in the world. But you think it's you, not the pond.

Ronald Reagan  :man:
:bow:  A recession is when your neighbour loses his job. A depression is when you lose yours.
 It's probably true that hard work never killed anyone, but I figure why take the chance.


Margaret Thatcher  :man:
:bow:  You can't buck the market.
 Being in power is like being a lady. If you tell people you are, you aren't.
 I don't think there will be a woman Prime Minister in my lifetime
 A man who, beyond the age of 26, finds himself on a bus can count himself as a failure
 Pennies do not come from heaven - they have to be earned here on earth.
 You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it.
 If you want something said, ask a man. If you want something done, ask a woman.

Michael Dell  :man:   :bow:
 I think a lot of people initially thought that the 'e' in e-business was more important than the business.

Peter Drucker  :man:  :bow:
 Most management people I know still believe that the Bible begins with the words: 'In the beginning God created stable exchange rates.'
 Too many mergers resemble the marriage of two cripples who become twice as old, twice as bureaucratic and twice as undynamic.
 Dealmaking beats working. That's why there are deals that make no sense.
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The most funniest VI quotes บทนำ

โพสต์ที่ 5


Chapter 3:  :man:  :man:  :man:


 :lovl: Dear Lord  :pray:  Benjamin Graham  :man: , God of  VI creation, I bless   :pray: You for Your
10 amendments, but mostly for motto Margin of Safety. I praise   :pray: You for my
value stocks You have made not to drop, and beg of You now please  :pray:  stop
SET   :pray: and made the index to fly.  If this request from my heart is too much to ask,
I shall  be grateful still for plentiful dividends, double or simply single. Amen.  :pray:

                                  _From Red To Green, my prayer book before bedtime

:lovl: There are certain things you dont believe in. A husband with lipstick
on his collar.  A wife promise to quit her favorite cake. And a guy who tells
he knows everything about value investing but have no ideas who Graham is.

                        _On conversation with a VI  on Dec.2005

:lovl: The biggest liar in the world is a value investor who claims that he picks warrants
merely for exercise.


:lovl: Value investing is like solitaire. When you cheat, you cheat only yourself.

                               _In my diary Mar 25, 05

:lovl: If there is any high EQ in a man, margin of safety will bring it out.
                     _a closer look at Value. Thai Investors Day.  June 3, 2006


:lovl:  For most VI amateurs, the most click in the web is the ร้อยคนร้อนหุ้น and the best
weapon is, of course, the calculator!  

                        _The Spirituality of my Thaivi experience

:lovl: While investing, my value stocks never give discouragement and complains even
when Im not perfoming well. I dont remember this ever happening in the bedroom.

                                         _Values versus Sex surveys

:lovl: If you drink, dont drive. Dont even do ratios calculating.

                                     _Jack Daniels so-called my mental coach

:lovl: The three words I fear most in value investing are Virgin of Safety.

                  _Federation of Professional Value investors in Russia

:lovl: Value investors are those who buy low, and sell lower.

          _president of the Anti-Value Investors Society
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The most funniest VI quotes บทนำ

โพสต์ที่ 6


สวัสดีขอรับ :pray:

:arrow: วันนี้วันที่ 8.6.2005  โห! เพี้ยนกว่าเมื่อวานอีก :la:
ปรากฏการณ์ปีชนปี   กระทุ้ง ลิ้นปี่ วันต่อวัน  :vm:
เป็นของขวัญที่ผู้รับไม่สมถวิล  :'O
พี่แกคว้านลึกขนาดนี้............. :ohno:
สุภาษิตจีนยังว่า ถอยสักก้าว ทะเลดูกว้าง ท้องฟ้าสดใส  :B
เป็นกำลังใจให้วีไอพี่ๆ เพื่อนๆ ทุกๆ คน
ด้วยควมระทึกขอรับ  :!:

หลังเขียนมา 3 บทแล้วขอรับ  :wall:  ส่งมาพะเนินเทินทึก
คำคมด้วนๆ เหล่านี้ ขาขึ้นขาลงไม่เคยประท้วงถือป้ายหยุดงาน  :welcome:
เป็นแสงควมคิดสว่างวิเศษส่องในยามตลาดทุรยุคเป็นอย่างดี  :idea:  :idea:  :idea:
เปิดอ่าน 5 นาที อยู่ที่ลิ้นก็จบ  แต่ถ้าอยู่ที่ลมหายใจ ไม่เคยจบขอรับ..........555  :B
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The most funniest VI quotes บทนำ

โพสต์ที่ 7


Chapter 4 :  :man:  :man:  :man:  :man:

Self-Exams. :B

 :welcome: There is not the slightest doubt in my mind.  Other people's stocks will go down in a bear market while my illiquid value stocks will sink in a bull market.
        _I have never been depressed enough to admit the game, but I will get so sore at myself to forget the fact.

:welcome: I would consider a value investor successful when he makes more than his wife spends. And a successful woman is one who can find such a man and chains him to her bench.

         _Can u name me one single case, a remarkably lucky one?                                                    

:welcome: I guess maybe deciding on a value investment philosophy is kind of like picking a spouse.  I never want someone who is volatile and romantic and emotional.   I want someone who is steady and trustworthy and down to earth.

           _Has a second wife done a man any practical good, any advice.?

:welcome: I wake up every day and still cant prove the probabilities, the odds, the very laws of nature are tilted in favour of the value investing school.                

         _So here I sit, fat, soft, and feel miserable.

:welcome: Buy the stocks of small companies below their economic value, let the companies grow, and resell them as proven successes at full economic value.  VI amateurs often sell small companies below their economic value and buy mature companies at full value, thus providing the other side for our trades.

         _I dont recall the speaker but when excessive value thoughts dwarfs my intellect. These words bring to mind  to be wondered at.  

:welcome: When a large segment of the market gets overpriced and eventually corrects, everybody gets nailed.  Ive survived being struck by SET lighting many times.  That s why I feel frightened standing still watching their high-flyer, crazy-multiple stocks chained to a bench like slaves while the ship is sinking.

            _ And probably their stocks are unlikely to recover more rapidly, because the former favourites are now on everybody's avoid list.

:welcome: During a great disaster of corrections, I just get to suck value stocks like hell.  Yes, I turn to be a Count Dracula and my portfolio becomes a blood bank,  which isn't a bad definition of value investing.

        _ And something can be despised because it's despicable. You must have 100 % confidence that the value is there.

:welcome: Dr. Nives mentions : small is good, micro is not----find companies that are established and whose management have proven, at least thus far, that they know how to run a company.              

         _I think for the littlest companies, it's like auditioning for the chorus line: one misstep and you're out.

:welcome: I have a lot of fresh heart for a prettiest value stock to lock constantly growth attractions.

             _This is very similar to the growth of middle class in China. but powerful - way to think about the future. First the newly well-off want bicycles, then motorcycles, and five years from now, automobiles.

:welcome: If you think its hard to meet new people, try to accuse someone in this web for stock manipulation.

                              _I just cant find any!

:welcome: Ive never been to Heaven, and thinkin back on my life, I probably wont get a chace to go.
I guess buying a company with four consecutive quarters of rising earnings in one or two year is as close as I am going to get

                       _Could u find one?  
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โพสต์ที่ 8


Chapter 2 ไม่ฮาเลยครับ

ดีๆทั้งนั้น :D
"เมื่อคุณเริ่มทำสิ่งที่รักแล้ว วันต่อๆไปก็จะไม่ใช่การทำงาน"..Brian Tracy
state exact goal/then analyze what fail the goal/then act/if you don't start/dream still be a dream
หุ้นไม่ใช่แค่เศษกระดาษ มันมีคนทำงานจริง
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The most funniest VI quotes บทนำ

โพสต์ที่ 9


:cool:  :cool:  :cool:
"The enemy is a very good teacher" Dalai Lama
"Confidence doesn't come from being right all the time; it comes
from surviving the many occasions of being wrong." B.N. Steenbarger
"Luck is where preparation meets opportunity"