Might sound like a stupid question - but with Manchester United already at the final - I really can see something terrible happening.
Chelsea dislike Manchester United (And Vice-versa) but that completely pales in comparison to the hatred between Manchester United and Liverpool.
Many of the usual people that you see going to the game have already said they are not travelling - and more and more of the decent normal people that support us are dropping out - due to the expense - and even more will probably drop out now that we would face the Mancs if we won.
If it was Liverpool v Manchester United. Every Airport. Every train station. Every ferry port. Every bus station across the UK and into Russia/Europe will be fighting Mancs and Reds. When they are there - every hotel, bar, street, dark alley, pub, restaurant, snack bar is going to be a running battle.
You've got virtually no police down there at present and the place is more or less run by the mafia. There are (from all accounts) many dangers to be had in Moscow and there is a fairly bad political situation between us and the Russians anyway. The police that are there will be extremely heavy handed and will be using riot gas and water cannons with gay abandon.
Add to that the actual ground (that I believe doesn't have turnstiles) - so you'll have literally thousands bunking - like in Athens - and although there are 21,000 at each end - you've got the x,000 in the middle (The 'UEFA Family') that will be completely mixed Liverpool/Manchester united - you imagine the scene - being in a ground - surrounded completely by Mancs (And them too) - you're telling me there won't be major kickoffs throughout the game - except there will be nowhere to back in to - nowhere to run - they will be all around - singing Heysel and Hillsbrough - and no doubt our lot singing Shipman and Munich.
There will be murder. It will be a complete bloodbath.
From a footballing sense of course I want us to qualify - but outside that I can see fatalities and a 5-10 year ban for English football.
IF we get there and we face THEM - then it will be unprecedented - Football will never ever see anything like it again.
Imagine if everything was calm and settled and one side or the other win the game - the other fans will be crowing and shouting and singing - do you think for one second the other fans will sit back and think 'Fine. Great. We've won against them in the final and they are around me now - laughing at me - poking me - shoving me..'.
No chance. Whichever side wins it will be total mayhem - and that will pale to what would happen outside the ground, in the bars, streets, squares, hotels, airports etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. afterwards.
Something similar will happen with Chelsea - but not as bad.