Headline: Reporting Share Repurchases 1/9/04
Time: 02 Sep 2004 09:02:28
Form for Reporting Share Repurchases
In the case where repurchasing the company's own shares is
for financial management purposes.
September 1, 2004
1. Procedure for repurchasing shares
-/ on the Stock Exchange of Thailand
The due date of the share repurchase project DECEMBER 26, 2004
(This process of share repurchase must be completed within 6 months)
- General offer
2. Share repurchasing for financial management purposes
Date of the resolution of the board of directors to undertake share repurchases MAY 13, 2004
2.1 The results of share repurchase
Total Number of shares repurchased 3,552,796 shares or equal to 10% of paid-up
Repurchase Number of share Repurchase or Lowest price Total price
Date repurchased Highest price (baht / share) (million baht)
(baht / share)
September 1, 2004 37,800 24.80 24.60 931,710.00
2.2 Cumulative number of shares repurchased
Cumulative number of shares repurchased to date (including item 2.2) 127,400 Shares or
equal to 0.36%of paid-up capital which is 3,110,370.00 baht in total.
The company certifies that the information contained in this report and attached documents is true
and complete in all respects.
(Suteechai Santivarakum)
Note: - In case of repurchasing shares on the SET, the company must submit this report to the
SET not later than 9.00 a.m. on the business day following the day which each the
purchase of share is made.
- In case of repurchasing by general offer, the company must report to the SET not later
than 5 business day from the final day of general offer
- Listed company must report this form via facsimile and the Exchange's ELCID.
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