the field of insurance that can be applied to the field of investment
แนวคิดเรื่องประกันภัย เราสามารถนำมาประยุกต์กับการลงทุนที่ดีเพื่อลดการสูญเสียได้อย่างไรครับ
การประยุกต์วิธีการทำประกันภัยที่ดี กับ การลงทุนที่ดี
- Verified User
- โพสต์: 2545
- ผู้ติดตาม: 0
การประยุกต์วิธีการทำประกันภัยที่ดี กับ การลงทุนที่ดี
โพสต์ที่ 1
Circle of competence
I don't think it's as difficult to figure out competence as it may appear.
If you're 5-foot-2, you don't have much future in the NBA.
What I need to get ahead is to be better than idiots.
Charlie Munger
I don't think it's as difficult to figure out competence as it may appear.
If you're 5-foot-2, you don't have much future in the NBA.
What I need to get ahead is to be better than idiots.
Charlie Munger
- Verified User
- โพสต์: 2545
- ผู้ติดตาม: 0
Re: การประยุกต์วิธีการทำประกันภัยที่ดี กับ การลงทุนที่ดี
โพสต์ที่ 2
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like a good insurance company does. The way they write insurance and that analogy has been borrowed from Graham, from his book in Security Analysis, where he said that if you are a good insurance company, then you want to assess the risk of writing insurance for each insurance buyer. And supposing you are writing car insurance, then you want to make sure that the people who are diving cars more dangerously are charged much higher premiums than people who don't. Now while you sell insurance premium to make sure that the probability of a claim when weighed against the premium taken from that person will offset the risk of loss. So, on every policy you try to make sure that you are not going to lose money. But that always never happens. You lose money in many policies because claims do come in and insurance premiums are not really sufficient in comparison to the amount of losses that you have to pay out. But a good insurance company then makes sure that amount of losses that you pay out are less than the total premiums taken, which means that you have an underwriting profit, which is exactly what Berkshire Hathaway has been doing for a long long time as you all know. And when they do that, they make sure that they are pricing the policy correct. And they are making sure that they are taking risks which are worth taking. Even though on a single policy they are willing to lose money but overall they don't want to take large exposures, they don't end up losing money overall
Circle of competence
I don't think it's as difficult to figure out competence as it may appear.
If you're 5-foot-2, you don't have much future in the NBA.
What I need to get ahead is to be better than idiots.
Charlie Munger
I don't think it's as difficult to figure out competence as it may appear.
If you're 5-foot-2, you don't have much future in the NBA.
What I need to get ahead is to be better than idiots.
Charlie Munger