Financial stress level lowest since pre-crisis

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Financial stress level lowest since pre-crisis

โพสต์ที่ 1


By Greg Robb WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- The St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank's weekly index of financial stress has fallen to negative 0.536, its lowest level since the dawn of the financial crisis in the late summer of 2007, Mark Perry, a professor of economics at the University of Michigan, said Wednesday. Perry noted that the index has been trending steadily downward since October 2011. The stress on the financial system is now below the historical average of zero for the St. Louis Fed's index, which dates back to 1994.
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ถ้าอยากได้สั้นๆ มันคืออะไรพี่คนนี้สรุปให้
St. Louis Fed Financial Stress Index is calculated from 18 weekly data series that include seven interest rates, six yield spreads, and five other financial variables. For more than a year, starting in October 2011 when the index was at 1.0, the Financial Stress Index has been steadily trending downward (lower values indicate less stress).

For for the most recent week ended Jan. 25, the Financial Stress Index fell to -0.536. That is the lowest level since early August 2007, before the Great Recession and financial crisis.
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