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โพสต์ที่ 1


20 Top ways to "screw up" your investments for 2004

โดย คุณ ECE7 โพสไว้เมื่อ 05/01/2004 02:17:42 PM

1. Forget about writing a financial plan and never ever write down your financial goals (they're much too difficult, anyhow it's more exciting to aim in the dark.)

2. Get asset allocation mix wrong or better still-pretend it's not important.

3. Be unrealistic on the long-term returns of equities (usually 8-12%pa) and bonds.

4. 'Pooh-pooh' the winning ways of passive index funds (they're not 'sexy' enough, too boring, etc. etc. Ignore the hard facts that the majority of paid-to-peform fund managers fail to 'beat' the index)

5. Don't rebalance (see point 2) annually.

6. Don't diverisfy, stick to speculative sectors and investments.
(It's always great to have all my eggs in one basket -that way they can get fried all at the same time and we could throw in some onion and have omelete for dinner)

7. Play lousy defense -act as if you don't know what to keep out of your porfolio.(see point 8 for reinforcement)

8. Listen to every $ales pitch you can get your hand$ and ear$ on. Believe that they have your interest$ at heart-alway$!

9. Don't use a mechanical approach to buy/sell your investments-always, always ,and always buy and sell on emotions-HOPE, FEAR and GREED. (Feelings are a great tool to pump a bit of excitement into your investing adventures)

10. Don't bother to find out the basics of investment. Forget about learning the basic behaviour of equities, bonds, interest rates, etc. Nah --they're much much too complicated. Leave it to the "experts".

11. Forget about spending a few hours (see point 1, 2, 5)on investment planning and strategising.
You definitely can't to afford to spend 4 hours reading on how to invest the $$$ that you slogged over 2,000 hours each year to make. (PS. I'd rather spend a few hundred hours to 'research' on my next overseas holiday :-) )

12. Choose not to remember that bull markets are always followed by bear markets.
(there's no room for bears in my financial plan-it's already full of 'bulls'!)

13. Be a market timer.

14. Be very very very confident on your predictive abilities to foresee events before they happen.

15. Trade individual stocks in a big way and do it very often -even when you are not a professional trader.
(who cares about the collective might & advantageous capabilities of full time professional traders who have at their fingertips' disposal tons and tons of information, data, etc?)

16. Tell everyone about the investments you bought. (when their prices do fall significanty, avoid meeting these people or at least refer to no. 14 and pray hard! )

17. Hang on to 'losers', and if tempted to sell, please refer to 9 and 14 for hope.

18. Don't ignore short-term results of your investments (long-term). See point 20 on how best to get it done.
Cultivate a short-term mentality!

19. Practise 'outside-in' decision-making. Always reserve your ear on investment prophets and believe with all your heart on what they say and then , thrash your current financial plan and ride on the experts' bets. (Later: you can hope like crazy they turn out right)

20. Always check your investments often to see how they're doing -preferably daily, or at least once a week.
(it's a great way to raise blood pressure without exercise).

แบบว่าถูกใจครับ โดนเข้าไปเต็มๆ หลายข้อเลย โดยเฉพาะข้อ 14,16,17 นี่โดนเต็มๆ
