งบ MCS ออกแล้วครับ
- Verified User
- โพสต์: 3763
- ผู้ติดตาม: 0
งบ MCS ออกแล้วครับ
โพสต์ที่ 1
14/11/2005 09:37
MCS : Reviewed Quarter 3 F/S (F45-1)
(Reviewed Quarter-3 F/S (F45-1))
Report: Reviewed Quarterly Financial Statements
Ending 30 September (In thousands)
Quarter 3 For 9 Months
Year 2005 2004 2005 2004
Net profit (loss) 60,719 37,870 207,534 107,668
EPS (baht) 0.12 0.10 0.48 0.27
Type of report:
Unqualified Opinion
Comment: Please see details in financial statements, auditor's
report and remarks from SET SMART
"The company hereby certifies that the information above is
correct and complete. In addition, the company has already reported
and disseminated its financial statements in full via the SET
Electronic Listed Company Information Disclosure (ELCID), and has
also submitted the original report to the Securities and Exchange
Signature ___________________________
( Sompong Methasatidsuk )
Authorized to sign on behalf of the company
MCS : Reviewed Quarter 3 F/S (F45-1)
(Reviewed Quarter-3 F/S (F45-1))
Report: Reviewed Quarterly Financial Statements
Ending 30 September (In thousands)
Quarter 3 For 9 Months
Year 2005 2004 2005 2004
Net profit (loss) 60,719 37,870 207,534 107,668
EPS (baht) 0.12 0.10 0.48 0.27
Type of report:
Unqualified Opinion
Comment: Please see details in financial statements, auditor's
report and remarks from SET SMART
"The company hereby certifies that the information above is
correct and complete. In addition, the company has already reported
and disseminated its financial statements in full via the SET
Electronic Listed Company Information Disclosure (ELCID), and has
also submitted the original report to the Securities and Exchange
Signature ___________________________
( Sompong Methasatidsuk )
Authorized to sign on behalf of the company
Impossible is Nothing
- คัดท้าย
- Verified User
- โพสต์: 2917
- ผู้ติดตาม: 0
งบ MCS ออกแล้วครับ
โพสต์ที่ 7
CK เขียน:เสียดายเก็บไปไม่เยอะมาก...
เอามั่ง อิอิ

The crowd, the world, and sometimes even the grave, step aside for the man who knows where he's going, but pushes the aimless drifter aside. -- Ancient Roman Saying
- Verified User
- โพสต์: 3763
- ผู้ติดตาม: 0
งบ MCS ออกแล้วครับ
โพสต์ที่ 9
14/11/2005 13:30
MCS : Clarification for the change in Q3/2005 operating result
( Translation )
Ref. No.MCS-007/2005
November 14'2005
Subject : Clarification for the change in Q3/2005 operating result more than 20%
( addition )
To : Director and Manager
The Stock Exchange of Thailand
M.C.S. Steel Public Company Limited reviewed interim financial statements
for the period ended September 30th, 2005, The company would like to clarify
the operating result in the 3rd quarter of 2005 compared to the same period
of last year as follows.
1. For the 3 months period ended September 30th, 2005, the company's sale
revenue was Baht 506.96 Million which increased by 103.62 Million Baht or
25.69% compared to the same period of last year. Increased unit price.
2. Company's gross profit for the 3 months period was Baht 97.86 Million, and
increasing of 43.75 Million Baht or 80.84% compared to the same period of
last year. Gross profit margin increased from 13.42% in Q3/2004 to 19.30%
in Q3/2005.
3. The net profit for the 3 months period ended September 30th 2005, was 60.72
Million Baht, an increase of Baht 22.85 Million or 60.34 % from the same
period last year due to the above reasons.
4. The net profit for the 9 months period ended September 30th, 2005, was 207.53
Million Baht, an increase of Baht 99.87 Million or 92.75% from the same period
last year.
Yours Sincerely,
( Mr.Sompong Metasatidsuk)
MCS : Clarification for the change in Q3/2005 operating result
( Translation )
Ref. No.MCS-007/2005
November 14'2005
Subject : Clarification for the change in Q3/2005 operating result more than 20%
( addition )
To : Director and Manager
The Stock Exchange of Thailand
M.C.S. Steel Public Company Limited reviewed interim financial statements
for the period ended September 30th, 2005, The company would like to clarify
the operating result in the 3rd quarter of 2005 compared to the same period
of last year as follows.
1. For the 3 months period ended September 30th, 2005, the company's sale
revenue was Baht 506.96 Million which increased by 103.62 Million Baht or
25.69% compared to the same period of last year. Increased unit price.
2. Company's gross profit for the 3 months period was Baht 97.86 Million, and
increasing of 43.75 Million Baht or 80.84% compared to the same period of
last year. Gross profit margin increased from 13.42% in Q3/2004 to 19.30%
in Q3/2005.
3. The net profit for the 3 months period ended September 30th 2005, was 60.72
Million Baht, an increase of Baht 22.85 Million or 60.34 % from the same
period last year due to the above reasons.
4. The net profit for the 9 months period ended September 30th, 2005, was 207.53
Million Baht, an increase of Baht 99.87 Million or 92.75% from the same period
last year.
Yours Sincerely,
( Mr.Sompong Metasatidsuk)
Impossible is Nothing
- Mon money
- สมาชิกกิตติมศักดิ์
- โพสต์: 3134
- ผู้ติดตาม: 0
งบ MCS ออกแล้วครับ
โพสต์ที่ 14
ทุกอย่างเป็นไปตามคาดครับ กำไรออกมาดี กระแสเงินสดออกมา 1 บาทต่อหุ้น ซื้อ 2.78 ได้ในราคา 1.78 บริษัทไม่มีหนี้แล้ว working cap.ติดลบ(มีคนให้เอาวัตถุดิบมาผลิตขายเก็บเงินได้ก่อน) บริษัทนี้มองๆดูแล้ว Cost of fund ไม่น่าจะสูงเกิน 10%
เออ....ขายออกมาก็ดี ยังไม่ต้องรีบไปหรอก
เออ....ขายออกมาก็ดี ยังไม่ต้องรีบไปหรอก
- Raphin Phraiwal
- Verified User
- โพสต์: 1342
- ผู้ติดตาม: 0
งบ MCS ออกแล้วครับ
โพสต์ที่ 15
สินค้าคงคลังเพิ่มมากขึ้นเลยครับ มีอะไรต้องเป็นห่วงในจุดนี้ไหมครับ
สินค้าคงคลังเพิ่มมากขึ้นเลยครับ มีอะไรต้องเป็นห่วงในจุดนี้ไหมครับ
- Raphin Phraiwal
- Verified User
- โพสต์: 1342
- ผู้ติดตาม: 0
งบ MCS ออกแล้วครับ
โพสต์ที่ 17
ขอบคุณครับคุณ woodywoody เขียน:ไม่ใช่พี่มนแต่เป็นลูกศิษย์หางแถวนะครับ ฮิฮิ..........
ผมขอฝากตัวเป็นศิษย์หางแถวของศิษย์หางแถวอีกทีครับ :)